Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Shh.....I have a secret to tell you.....

Don't tell anyone I told you, but I have discovered the TRUE identity of Aiko. If you think you can handle this, keep reading. Otherwise, avert your eyes, exit the page, and live in the bliss of your ignorance. 

Your guardian, your savior Aiko, this entire time, has been none other than....

Your friendly Dental affiliate, Nbreeki!

Yes, pubbies, it's true. Aiko was a fake, a fraud, and you all bought into it. You believed that Aiko was fighting on your side, that she had your best interests in mind, and some of you, not naming any names, Skyzcool, even invited her to your bridge for some ERP. Well, my friends, the Starfleet Dental Ministry of Peace and Prosperity has, in the interests of greater transparency, declassified the Aiko files to the public. I have reopened every one of the posts on this blog so that every can witness your humiliation over and over again .

Praise Butts, Praise the Dear Leader, and may they continue to guide and protect Starfleet Dental. Amen.