Monday, April 15, 2013

Shh.....I have a secret to tell you.....

Don't tell anyone I told you, but I have discovered the TRUE identity of Aiko. If you think you can handle this, keep reading. Otherwise, avert your eyes, exit the page, and live in the bliss of your ignorance. 

Your guardian, your savior Aiko, this entire time, has been none other than....

Your friendly Dental affiliate, Nbreeki!

Yes, pubbies, it's true. Aiko was a fake, a fraud, and you all bought into it. You believed that Aiko was fighting on your side, that she had your best interests in mind, and some of you, not naming any names, Skyzcool, even invited her to your bridge for some ERP. Well, my friends, the Starfleet Dental Ministry of Peace and Prosperity has, in the interests of greater transparency, declassified the Aiko files to the public. I have reopened every one of the posts on this blog so that every can witness your humiliation over and over again .

Praise Butts, Praise the Dear Leader, and may they continue to guide and protect Starfleet Dental. Amen.


  1. Everything the pubbies believe is a lie. Dear Leader is the only truth they have ever known.

    1. No you Goons are the liars and furthermore Nbreeki is not Aiko you expect us trekkies to be that retarded Don't you Goons I long the day that the ignore make you no life goons disappear so their will be peace for everyone except you Goons after what you Goons did to poor aiko I despise you Goons even more and I wish I hadn't but I do you SA goons are the worse human beings since year 1999 and mittani of goonswarm

  2. I still don't believe Aiko is Nreecki not one bit and furthermore you Goons are just the same nothing but a cult

  3. I don't even believe Aiko is nabreeki you expect most people to believe that after what you Goons done to Aiko that much most people still don't believe that the truth is you Goons are the puebies you Goons don't have any imagination you Goons like to make fun of someone's emotions and you enjoy laughing in your somethingawful threads why you think most people hate your guild however I understand perp in public is wrong but your trollings and insulting people is not and ever the star trek way you Goons can say believe that but I didn't believe that Aiko is nabreeki ever and you your humiliating others but you'll humiliate yourself as well and btw it's star trek online not goontrek online

  4. You guys are delusional... Aiko is/was not Nbreeki.

    On to a different topic, I have no beef with you guys being in STO, but what you do there is wrong. I long for the day when I can go to Drozana and actually have some peace and quiet. I hope one day there will be peace between the Trekkies and the Dentals.

    1. I agree I long the day you goons need to stop acting like trolls and start acting like normal players like everyone else like I said it's star trek online not goon trek online And what you goons are doing is stupid and Ill never forget the things you goons said to me and my friends and if your mopp is as you goons say it is I suggest stop posting in something awful about other players because it's not the star trek way it's not gene rodenberry's dream you goons might laugh at this because I know you goons are nothing but a group of bullies

    2. "it's not gene rodenberry's dream"

      I wonder if Gene ever imagined his creation being a outlet for middle aged men to role-play female human-cat hybrids and an avenue for them to have virtual sex with each other.

    3. Well I wonder if you Goons think it's ok to go after a vulnerable player and force him to commit suicide like what mittani did in fanfest you Goons are all the same and like I said you Goons respect no community but your own and I saw your SA threads you Goons are still doing that Hitler thing like always I honestly think you Goons don't even read the histories of World war 2 or seen the films and I know the gross perp thing is not gene Roddenberry's dream but neither is your trollings and greivings and display of nonsense and as always like I said it's Star trek online not goontrek online

  5. OH what a surprise Dental is trolling me again with my own page because they miss me lol. This is Aiko the REAL AIKO not that stupid dental Nbreeki who is nothing but a troll thug with snowballs and yes I stoped playing the game and I dont do STO anymore because I had enough but I came to tell all of you people on STO that NBREEKI is NOT me they are just trolling for fun because they have no lives and they want to destroy the RP comnunitiy that you worked hard to build they want you to feel stupid but were not that stupid Dental maybe you should of thought that I would come back and call you out on your lies or something. Of course they still keep my blog and MY NAME but dont trust anything they say about Aiko because they still have all the control over everything. Way to go stupid hacking trolls leave me alone havent you done enough?

    1. It's good hear from you Aiko and it's sad your not in STO anymore everyone missed you atleast we all know how pathetic goons really are who like to think everyone who's a Trekkie is a no life puebie well guess what they're the no life puebies just like they're SA founder Lowtax

  6. Glad to see you Again Aiko but any to Starfleet Dental and Shut up Wesley and all your SA goons comrads you Goons think it's gonna make me believe that Aiko is nabreeki yea right you expect me and my friends to be that retarded yeah right that's a good joke huh the truth is I never want to have a grudge against you Goons but what you Goons do is not the star trek way my Orion dance like all orions the star trek series and you Goons call her ugly and fat which it isint true but guess what Butts is ugly and he ugly and nasty both the inside and out and you Goons made him so called messiah but the truth is he's not . And I know erp in public is gross but it does not give you Goons to harrassed and bully just becuase you can and furthermore I dont give a crap you Goons deny the geek inside you that's why you call players puebies becuase you deny the geek inside you so this proves your pathetic like everyone else no one is perfect and I mean no one even me and Aiko but you Goons are just same like everyone you Goons are bullies because you deny the geek inside you

  7. It makes my heart sing to see that some people are so delusional that the truth seems preposterous. Hell of a troll Nbreeki/Aiko. You deserve the Golden Troll Award for all of it. Glad its finally out. It was heard to keep that wonderful secret hidden in the vaults of Wesley elite. Kudos from your local everyday AcidCouch.

  8. Ivey, Do you know how to let shit go? You aren't even in STO anymore and still rambling on in the same pointless gibberish as before. The fight is over. You DO know that harboring hatred towards someone you don't even know will only lead to your own downfall. Come on man. Stop obsessing over this and just focus on whatever the hell it is you do. Take your medications, relax, rub one out if that's your thing, and just stop with this pointless rambling. Not to mention it's only making you sound like an ass. An uneducated ass at that.

    1. Well if the Goons mopp is as they say it then I'll Will have my peace with them I don't care about erpers I only care about the rpers and the trekkies but if they still troll and greif people then I'll resist but it'll take my time to remove what happened in the past

  9. Aiko=Nbreeki get over it. You got played.

  10. This is nice Information blog. Thanks for Sharing.

  11. Poison ivy pretending like she hates erp ? I got loggs that say different
