Monday, May 20, 2013

This blog has served its purpose, and will, effective immediately, be mothballed and preserved, so the full story of Aiko will be available for all those curious enough to seek it out.

Although this site has, as of late, functioned as a mouthpiece for the MOPP, we have decided it is in our best interest (and yours as well) to move our presence elsewhere.

So, the official Ministry of Peace and Prosperity blog is now live, and can be found here: The Ministry of Peace and Prosperity


  1. Interesting Blog.

    Bruce Howell

  2. To Osama Binladin fan Nbreeki . You can't stop pretending your mopp is about peace between the trek communities and the goonsqaud of .some of you starfleet dental members attack children . And encourage racist trolls like your Hero BombermanX aka Butts encourage that 9/11 fan MikeRTNs who's a racist .and you goons attack people with Disabilities and care nothing about expanding the Star Trek Fanbase or the Community you goons posted personal lives for your own amusements you goons are nothing But something Awful and that's a fact . So stop pretending you goons care about the star trek fanbase because you goons are just like the Goonsqaud who attack the Indians back in wounded knee.

  3. Praise be to Dear Leader! Butts has risen! Joy to all those basking in his glory.

    1. Yeah let's praise a dead guy who's I don't know Kim Jung Ill who never give cival liberty to his Korean people .and btw your idiot Butts aka BombermanX should watched the old and classic trek Movies and TV . Or he's just to damn lazy and hateful to watched he did said it's crap .so go back praising your false idol losers .

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  6. Praise be to pricey Leader! Butts has risen! Joy to all or any those basking in his glory.

  7. Oh please. You honestly think Dental and some imaginary leader could possibly pull this off?

    This is what really happened.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We know all and see all. Like your ip stamp on your "anon" post :). Just do us one favor please work on your credit score so it can be of more use to others :). Pay your bills!

    3. Must be a new recruit--oh hay! You're anon too--and talking about IP stamps, how cute! Do -me- a favor, and stop pretending you'll do something. >;3 We'll have a better time playing the next game if you focus!

      I thought it was just cute drawing attention to deathdealergod for the hell of it. Sort of like Dinictus and his Club Caprice Bingo--except it was proven he was the Bingobot. Quite frankly the better is to remain distant from alias conflicts. Much healthier, less confusing!

      While we're anon, you want to play a game of guess-who? Does your person have a beard?

      I'll give you a hint for your turn.

      Skitters says hi.

  8. You reap what you sow acid crotch

  9. A church of butts opened in Africa and then ebola breaks out, coincidence?

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  11. Sorry to see you go. Thank you so much.
