Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First update since May, 2013: thatcursedwolf is an idiot. 

Hope that clears a few things up.

Monday, May 20, 2013

This blog has served its purpose, and will, effective immediately, be mothballed and preserved, so the full story of Aiko will be available for all those curious enough to seek it out.

Although this site has, as of late, functioned as a mouthpiece for the MOPP, we have decided it is in our best interest (and yours as well) to move our presence elsewhere.

So, the official Ministry of Peace and Prosperity blog is now live, and can be found here: The Ministry of Peace and Prosperity

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Constant Struggle of a Dental 

An MOPP-inspired inspirational video for all members of Starfleet Dental burdened by the constant harassment of pubbies, RPists, and terrible STO players.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Shh.....I have a secret to tell you.....

Don't tell anyone I told you, but I have discovered the TRUE identity of Aiko. If you think you can handle this, keep reading. Otherwise, avert your eyes, exit the page, and live in the bliss of your ignorance. 

Your guardian, your savior Aiko, this entire time, has been none other than....

Your friendly Dental affiliate, Nbreeki!

Yes, pubbies, it's true. Aiko was a fake, a fraud, and you all bought into it. You believed that Aiko was fighting on your side, that she had your best interests in mind, and some of you, not naming any names, Skyzcool, even invited her to your bridge for some ERP. Well, my friends, the Starfleet Dental Ministry of Peace and Prosperity has, in the interests of greater transparency, declassified the Aiko files to the public. I have reopened every one of the posts on this blog so that every can witness your humiliation over and over again .

Praise Butts, Praise the Dear Leader, and may they continue to guide and protect Starfleet Dental. Amen.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Robas: Arbiter of peace

"Aiko - You are probably already aware but Shutup Wesley/Dental took over your blog.  I hope that your email hasn't been compromised as well.

I would recommend emediatly to contact blogspot and tell them what happened.  Also, don't loose hope.  I am rallying the troops and the fight is nowhere near over.  Don't let their actions get you discouraged.  They are looking for anyway to make themselves feel like they are in power again.  Unfortunately, hacking is now their only method.  I assure you that players are dedicated to seeing this threat stopped."

- Taken from an e-mail sent to Aiko on January 17th.

 Do you love to laugh? So do we. We laughed a lot at this:

"Aiko you can Update on the blog when you have the Chance Dear Trekkies , Roleplayers , and People with Aspergers when i Tried to  Make a Good Comment Without Butts and Acidcouch Accusing me of Being a Hacker on the Site they only say that to make you turn against let and you see how Butts act he Has a Grudge Against Trekkies and Autism and what he Said he Said Ppl with Aspergers should be tied on the Pole and Get Shot so who Ever Butts is from Came from the Wrong side Earth maybe a Country that Kill ppl Who are Autistic and if he hate star trek so much why would he Be in STO ?   and He Says Trekkies are a Lost Cost well TELL YOU THIS Butts your a Lost Cost and you know it your followers cant stop ppl from playing sto forever like Aiko Said your Days are Numbered and one day you Should Worship a Real God not a Made up one like Dear Leader and However i see your what your World is and its filled with Hate Towards Jews , Autistics,Trekkies and Role Players and to you Unifiliats that are against the Public erp Perveerts out there Dental is not Helping they Allow Butts to make an Account to force Erp to me and my friends this is a chat log long ago from a Source Long ago [Tell] Butts@wat : I can make another account to do sick nasty sexual stuff to ppl ///// thats a tell from Butts i found and  he use a Toon which @wmwmwmwmwmwmwwwmwww when butts Swich Instance he his Sick other account Toon goes around saying sick and disturbing stuff to ppl and otherwise Butts@wat is nothing worse then thos erp perverts but however Butts is nasty he Goes Trolls Aiko's Blog and Told Ppl to kill themselves and furthermore he's not a Mesiah He's just like them the Bullies from and all i want is to Enjoy the Game for and my Trekkie and Rper Friends without Butts's insults to Ppl To the Trekkies and Rolplayers Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley are not Gods they're not Angels or Heroes they're are just Slobs who Go pay 40 Dollars a Month for a site just to brag about their Cyber Bullying dont Be-leave Check their Furoms  there Acicouch (Who's part of the Fleet who Hacked the Blog ) There's Ludikro who Goes Insults Rpers and KDF Players on youtube and There's Devian666 AKA the Crybaby Troll  (i Call him that Because He Hates Role Players all for one which is pathetic )) So these 3 and More Brag and Laugh and Spend 40 Dollars all for a Dumb Site so they can Legalize Cyber Bullying  but Like Aiko Said their Days are Numbered and they are losing their Cause they are Fighting a Lost Cause and they know they get a guest log from Cryptic or PWE so they are all lowlife goons and last but least we are Taking STO Back they Been Trolling Lesser and Only Trolls in the Late Nights but they are Afraid truly Afraid And We rpers ,Trekkies and Autistcs are not Lowlife Puebies so to the Rpers Trekkies and Autistic ppl your not Alone these Goons from can over power you if you let em and Butts i Dare to Say A Comment Because it wont stop me Spreading the Word that your a Lowlife Troll i hope you have fun in Prison but To my Friend Aiko Keep up the Good Work Spread the Word and Dont let these Goons win Ever this is a Good Message to the Star Trek Community and a Bad Fucken Message to Starfleet Dental , Shutup Wesley and their friends from"