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DJ Grom is the Ferengi in the middle of the troll sandwich |
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The trolls gather around Grom and surround him and push him off the table and knock him over with snowballs these are there main tactics |
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Grom hit in the face with a snowball from a NERD OF PREY aka DENTAL ALLY AND FRIEND |
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The trolls are dancing and making problems and look there is Inaji I think sometimes she is ok but maybe today was a bad day I dont understand this. |
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These are the only people left after all of the Dental trolling and look there is almost NO ONE left. |
AFTER THAT Grom said he was having connection problems with his STO and wanted to move the party to DS9 and I thought of course the trolls will follow the party because they hate Grom and the RPers I don't know why, but the trolls didn't go to DS9 and I was suspicious and then I did a /who and FOUND THEM HERE, TROLLING OF COURSE.
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The victim's name is Pirate and I found her here all alone getting trolled by Dental on Risa for no Risa and oh look fake Grom over in the corner. |
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Fire extinguishers are there main weapon of choice in trolling Im sure you all know this. |
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Sterie and Grom and Butts and I forget the guy at the right side are all trolling Pirate a lot but she stands there and doesnt say anything she is brave and standing up to them. |
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Typical Dental this time its Sterie |
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Dentals like Butts and Nbreeki and this guy make really ugly characters to troll easier |
They continued trolling her for awhile and they made jokes about her bad ship (I dont know if its bad or not) and her Trek Radio station and called her bad named but she didnt run or get mad she stood there and said this:
"[Local] Racer@xracerx337x: i already have won the longer you stay here trolling me is the longer your not trolling somebody else, i can set here for hours watching tv."
I was very impressed with this and told her good for her because more people need to do this.
Sterie@krysinski shows the power of pink!
[Emotes] Ernesto@butternubs777: Wave your hands in the air!
Ernesto@butternubs777 waves his hands from side to side.
Aiko@aikookia: Oh loook the trolls are here early today
Sterie@krysinski shows the power of pink!
[Local] Robas@chadhughes145: yup Aiko.. You nailed it right on the head :P
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Dental cant find anything else to do
Sterie@krysinski shows the power of pink!
Ernesto@butternubs777 runs a medical diagnostic.
Sterie@krysinski shows the power of pink!
Ernesto@butternubs777 does jumping jacks.
[Local] riker@jhr002: hey guys
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: lol haunted by idiots
Sterie@krysinski: I'm pretty sure that's a movie
Sterie@krysinski shows the power of pink!
[Zone #1]
Kayla@younghustler: [1/15 6:16] [Tell] te'lek@biggs2: im not a erper i was
hacked duh i never erped befor and i even made a guild about stoping erpers on
another game
[Local] Marie Lux@649: uahah
[Zone] Tango@tango14: Any Starfleet Dental here
[Zone #1] M'ossa@Remissus: I love Drozana. The ONLY social
zone where I actually see people doing stuffs.
[Zone] Sterie@krysinski: Dentals are a myth
[Zone] Robas@chadhughes145: Says the guy in Starfleet Dental
[Emotes] Marie Lux@649: Ssssssssss!
Marie Lux@649 does the snake dance with Zae.
Yawne'wI'@NuqneH does the Running Man!
[Local] Callen@Callen151: Hey Grom, mor music less talk
[Local] Callen@Callen151: please
[Zone] Sterie@krysinski: Does that answer your question?
[Local] DJ
Grom@Hindgrinder: I'm all done. Rrakktorr, did you time me:
[Zone #1]
Tango@tango14: i know there are some dental here
[Local] Rrakktorr@Kalabakk: 9 minutes, 36.4 seconds
[Local] DJ
Grom@Hindgrinder: There you go. Thank you Rrakktorr
[Zone #1] Kayla@younghustler: [1/15 6:18] [Tell]
te'lek@biggs2: ok if u talked with me we could fix this togetehr im sure i can
finde the hacker
[Zone] Inaji@technical42nd: Oh hey, look at that. A Party!
[Zone] Inaji@technical42nd: How luck of me to join in time!
DJ Grom@Hindgrinder mixes things up a little!
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: KEEP trolling Dental, you know where
all this PROOF is going
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Proof of what? Of us going to a party and having a good
[Local] Butts@wat: What's the matter? You mad because I
found out DJ Grom is stealing the name of Prussian DJ G'Rom?
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Is that not what a party was
meant for?
Sterie@krysinski does a MANLY dance!
[Local] Butts@wat: everyone, is the real dj grom
[Local] DJ Grom@Hindgrinder: haha big stupid Cleetus
Inaji@technical42nd: There's that insult again?
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: What does it mean Grom?
[Local] Butts@wat: established in 1998, DJ G'Rom or Grommey,
has been making trance and psychadelic music longer than DJ Grom of The Neutral
Robas@chadhughes145: Good for him shut up and let him continue his
[Local] Butts@wat: No, robas, I won't.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Let him continue Butts this isnt for
you its for everyone who enjoys SSR
[Local] Butts@wat: SSR shoudl rename some of their DJs
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: go troll DS9 like yesterday
[Local] Robas@chadhughes145: Obviously. And all yall Dentals are in violation of this
games ToS.......
[Local] Marie Lux@649: u again
[Local] Butts@wat:
copyright infringement is a BIG DEAL amongst EVEhost and their affiliates
[Local] Yawne'wI'@NuqneH: Worry not my KDF and Fed
friends. Mommy will tuck the tweeny
goons in in a bit. Just ignore them.
[Local] DJ Grom@Hindgrinder: haha. is that it?
[Local] Butts@wat: No, this is beyond a video game's terms
of service. This is... basically the Copyright Protection Act.
Sterie@krysinski: You mad?
[Local] kor@korsonofkern: ah so this is were the fun is lol
only at drazona would a party be limited to the back room
[Local] Butts@wat:
Everyone subscribe to DJ G'Rom at!
Yawne'wI'@NuqneH: not limited to... we just try to keep the assholes out of the
rest of the crowd by being back here
[Local] Butts@wat:
best house music around!
Robas@chadhughes145: Obviously the GM's havent responded to your GM report against Gromm. So he is still within this games ToS.
[Zone] DJ
Grom@Hindgrinder: Come to the party my Gromulans. Instance 2 Dabo Room for the
next 4 hours
[Local] Butts@wat: Is
he? Or are they busy trying to verify my claims?
Robas@chadhughes145: We shall see Butts.
Sterie@krysinski shows the power of pink!
[Local] Butts@wat: I'm sorry, he's promoting himself under a
name that has been established in eurasia.
Sterie@krysinski shows the power of pink!
[Local] Butts@wat: He
cannot simply decline revenue from someone who worked their ass off in the
music industry.
[Local] kor@korsonofkern: butts is that short for butt face
[Local] Robas@chadhughes145: He is promoting himself under
the guise of Dj Gromm....proud member of SSR and DJ of SSR. Nothing more.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: LOL kor
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: he is a butt head rofl
[Local] DJ Grom@Hindgrinder: I'm also the Only Ferengi DJ
[Local] Butts@wat: His name is labelled as "DJ
Grom", not "DJ Gromm".
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Grom dont defend urself u dont need
[Local] DJ Grom@Hindgrinder: ever.
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: Your not a Ferengi
[Local] Butts@wat: He is portraying a person that has
already established a foothold in the music industry.
Aiko@aikookia: Dont feed the trolls ppl
[Local] Robas@chadhughes145: I don't think Dj Grom cares
right now if I make a typo and put DJ Gromm
DJ Grom@Hindgrinder mixes things up a little!
[Local] Butts@wat: DJ Gromm would be acceptable, as he isn't
pretending to be the real DJ Grom.
[Local] Butts@wat: If
my name was DJ Tiesto, I would be told to change my name.
[Local] Robas@chadhughes145: So Grom....keep up the good
work with hosting another kickass party my friend.
[Local] Butts@wat: because I do pretty bad things and am
[Local] Hank Nekkid
D.D.S@sonicshower: small crowd here tonight
M'ossa@Remissus thinks butts needs to chill a bit.
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Did I tell you guys about the
Tony Romo Cologne?
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: @sonicshower is also dental
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: When you use it, the other guy
[Local] Butts@wat: OH HO!
[Local] Butts@wat: :RIMSHOT:
[Local] Ziara Lux@649: what little one your balls not
working uahahahahahaha
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: LOL
[Local] Ziara Lux@649: u spent your money for nothing
[Local] Robas@chadhughes145: ToS Exerpt
Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower sits down.
Robas@chadhughes145: While playing Star Trek Online it is against the game
policy to intentionally disrupt the game play of other players. Disrupting
actions would include:-
[Local] Robas@chadhughes145: Interfering with player-run
Sterie@krysinski shows the power of pink!
[Local] Ziara
Lux@649: uahahahaha im really start enjoy this uahahaha
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Hey Marie, how's things?
[Local] Sterie@krysinski: TROLL
[Local] Ziara Lux@649: wowo bowie
[Local] DJ
Grom@subspaceradlo: I always lag on Drozana for some reason. So my fellow
GROMULANS we are moving this party to DS9 instance 1. I'll see you all there.
[Emotes] Ernesto@butternubs777: Wave your hands in the air!
Ernesto@butternubs777 waves his hands for DJ Grom.
[Local] kor@korsonofkern: *eyes ferengi and throse his
mekleth just bearly missing his ear* lol love scareing ferengi
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Well, this is boring. Like always.
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: I'm gonna go kill some brog.
[Local] riker@jhr002:
[Local] kor@korsonofkern: *throse another a knife at the
ferengi dj were id lands a few inches from his feet* hehe
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: I'm back.
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Killed some brog.
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Still bored though.
[Local] riker@jhr002: *borg*
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Ewwww, Beardless Riker.
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd:
And I'll call them that when they do something worth being respected.
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Till then, they shall be called
[Local] riker@jhr002: brog?
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Yes. Brog.
[Local] riker@jhr002: ok
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: They are terrible and bad and
blow up way too easy.
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: They don't deserve the name
[Local] riker@jhr002: oh ok
[Local] Poison
Ivey@WraithRaptor: RiKER NOCK IT Off
[Local] riker@jhr002: ok
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Hi Ivey. What's up?
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: Knock
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: Knock it off
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: get out of my veal
[Local] riker@jhr002: hey thats the first times you talked!
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: get out of my view
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Veal?
Inaji@technical42nd: You have baby cow for dinner?
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: It is ok, im
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Love that stuff.
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: Ivey to English
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: i dont talk to dental
[Local] riker@jhr002: whats stuff
[Local] riker@jhr002: whats that
riker@jhr002: who said i was going to be a dental
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: people who wanna be Be
Emergency Entertainment Hologram@Malificarr does jumping
jacks for DJ Grom.
[Local] riker@jhr002:
ill i just do that to you
[Local] riker@jhr002: no one eles
[Local] riker@jhr002: not really a dental
[Local] riker@jhr002:
the only reason why im not trolling you is i dont feel like it
[Local] riker@jhr002: not atm
[Local] DJ Grom@subspaceradlo: I told you losers to ask your
friends to show up to my party and all that shows up are less than a dozen
people? What a bunch of lazy ass losers!
[Local] riker@jhr002: looks like grom is pissed off
[Emotes] DJ Grom@Hindgrinder: Scissors.
DJ Grom@Hindgrinder throws the Scissors hand gesture to
Emergency Entertainment Hologram.
[Local] riker@jhr002: LETS GET HIM
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: I don't know Grom.
The same could be said for your crowd
[Local] Hank Nekkid
D.D.S@sonicshower: You used to have at least three times more people here in
the past
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: I guess they all got
sick of you
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: They prob all listen
to now
[Local] riker@jhr002: poor grom hes pissed
[Local] Emergency
Entertainment Hologram@Malificarr: Oh hey Grom, is your connection ok today? I
was hoping to see your undefeated PVP skills in action if you have time.
[Local] Hank Nekkid D.D.S@sonicshower: Their parties are way
You just hate people who have creative characters. Just because we do not base our characters off of Humans does not mean we lack creative or artistic ability. You should take your Alien slut and make a real creative character.