Laskin and Calliope are two trolls that were harassing me and other female players in Drozana. They are rude and are rasist also, so stay away from them.
They do the same trolls as dentals like crouching and running man dance and might be dental alts but I don't know exactly.
They were chasing me everywhere and using bad language and harassing me so much and I got really mad but thank u to the people of Drozana who stepped in to help me. This is what I want to see in Droz all the time we need to stand up for the trolls and tell them that they cant act like this anymore.
Also Inaji who is a Dental member helped me against the trolls, even though she is on the Dental/Troll list I think she is a good person just she is in Dental is the only problem. She challenged the trolls to a fight but like most trolls they were to scared to fight her and harassed Beverly Crusher instead.
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Laskin and Call are trolling Crusher who didnt do anything wrong and Inaji is trolling the trolls. |
UPDATE: Here is the Chat Log of the trolling THERE IS BAD LANGUAGE HERE BEWARE
Calliope@helifrompter: aiko
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Yes?
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: i love you
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: ...
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: do you love me too?
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Nope, sorry.
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: dont you remember all the
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: i love you aiko
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: take me back
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko
[Local] Bar Patron@kov3: go home
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: You're trolling.
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko i love you take me back
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: go home you are drunk i love
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: lol which Dental alt are you?
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko dont you remember
[Local] Laskin@laskin20: Fuck aiko i thought we had
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: fuck off laskin
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: shes my bottom bitch
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko dont you remember the
beaches in california
[Local] Laskin@laskin20: shes my stable horse
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Reported.
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: we used to go clubbing
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: we would kill hundreds of
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: and leave a few slightly alive
and made love on their bodies while listining to their dying squels
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: for hours upon hours
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: clubbing the seals
Laskin@laskin20: ewwwwwwwwwwwww aiko screws dead things. Im sorry take me back
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: we made love with hobos over
their corpses
Calliope@helifrompter: dont you remember
Calliope@helifrompter: aiko love me again
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: i know you love me
Calliope@helifrompter: or you wouldnt go through so much trouble to ignore me
Calliope@helifrompter: so that i wouldnt hurt you again like we did all those
baby seals
Calliope@helifrompter: i love you give me money
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko
[Zone] Inaji@technical42nd: Hey Calliope, why don't you leave Aiko alone?
[Zone] Bar Patron@kov3: what she said
[Zone] Calliope@helifrompter: i love her inaji
[Zone] Calliope@helifrompter: why cant you all see that
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: back off troll
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Thank u inaji
Aiko@aikookia: At least some dentals can be respecable
[Zone] Calliope@helifrompter: im not a dental actually
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: lol yeah right Calliope
[Zone] Inaji@technical42nd: Its not love if the other party
doesn't reciprocate it.
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko love me back
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko i love you
[Local] Laskin@laskin20: IT WAS RAPE
Calliope@helifrompter: oh laskin, its not rape if he enjoyed it
[Local] Bar Patron@kov3: if he said no it is
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko give me money
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: 50 no's and a yes is still a
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: You are just the creepiest kind
of person aren't you Calliope?
[Local] Laskin@laskin20: LIES 50 NOS AND A YES IS STILL A
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: i said that you fuck
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: ...and reported again
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: aiko you dumb slut
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Wow.
[Local] Laskin@laskin20: Inaji your just jealous cause you
cant troll nearly as good as him
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Laskin, I don't troll.
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: RAT SHIT BAT SHIT DIRTY OLD
Inaji@technical42nd: And there's a difference between trolling and being a
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Big big difference.
[Local] Laskin@laskin20: Yeah its called being the same
fucking thing
[Local] Bar Patron@kov3: your a tool
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: we can take him
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: fight me bitches
Inaji@technical42nd: Calliope, I'm in the match, start it up.
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: whats the difference between
a black man and a pizza
[Local] Bar Patron@kov3: join me in
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Thnx guys
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Unless you aren't man
enough. Afraid to get beat by a girl?
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: a pizza can feed a family of
[Local] Laskin@laskin20: well first off theres you, you
stupid dirty cunt... im sorry take me back
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: bitch fight me
[Local] Calliope@helifrompter: ill only use my cock
[Local] Vel@krysinski: We're trying to, start the match
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: We're in a match right now
Calliope, start it up.
[Local] Bar Patron@kov3: sounds like a short match then
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: Unless you don't have the
[Local] Inaji@technical42nd: For anyone not in the know,
we're in a 3v1 lobby with Calliope right now.
Me Vel and Bar Patron. Calliope
is too afraid to start the fight.
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