Update: Some Dentals still putting up fight
Its mostly quiet today in Drozana there is a dental here and there but only one at a time and then they leave they are like dogs they only fight in packs but if its just one they dont do anything lol
The allied fleet Nerd of Prey member Su'Chak was in Droz trying to defend dentals but zone turned against her lol and she was on defense side the whole time. People are standing up to dentals and they no longer have any power in drozana which is where they keep all their forces no now they are really powerless.
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Su'chak on the bar doing some dance I didnt see before probably a dental hack |
Here is the chat logs:
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: I wont they are the worst trolls and look at how empty droz is because of them
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: butts made a blog?
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Butts seems pretty pissed off with STO right now... which is kind of justified given the fact that other uses knew he was banned before he did. That was pretty unprofessional.
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Of STO. Not of Butts.
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: Extremely.
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: Dental friendly devs have already started investigation.
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Great.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Butts can go ruin another game I dont care plus the Devs help dental hack he will be back im sure
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: Butts is Anti Jew anti Trekkie Anti Gay you name it
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: plus he hates autism
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: Dental hacks? Since when :V
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Thing is... you guys actually say some pretty poisonous stuff. You go out of your way to upset other players.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: and special ppl
[Local] Rob Steele@Rob_Steel: ... and have you ever heard ESD zone, it's not much better
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: ...since always u are a dental ally fleet you know exacly
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: It may not be against the letter of the rules, but it's against the spirit. It's a douche thing to do.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: and Dress as a Guy who Kill more then 6 milion ppl in WW2
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: I don't like unprofessional devs, but I don't like griefers either. I don't see why you'd invest so much time in irritating people.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Yeah he was going around as Adolf Hitler who killed so many people
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: like a joke
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Yeah, I have to say, I think the hitler thing was going a bit far.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: and it isnt funny
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: For what it's worth, I agree. It's generally why I'm quiet in here. I just don't like leaving antagonising people like Aiko or Marie Lux alone. They are at least as bad as some of our members.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: Starfleet Dental Should Rename their fleet Adolf Hitler Lovers
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Yeah, I have to say - and this is with the greatest respect to everyone in here - some of the anti-dental lot aren't doing anyone any favours.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: well if the GMs and Devs wont do anything to stof the griefing then we have to try ourselvs
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: Stare into the abyss, etc
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: LOL.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: Well im Sick of ppl Worried About the ERP crap then Dental
[Local] Fatea@lamotte303: backd
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Yeah, but you don't go about that by antagonising them, or screaming abuse at them in channel
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: That achieves nothing.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: Dental's Way worse then the erp
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: Lies. Dental doesn't harm children.
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Well, the I don't want to see public ERP either.
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: At worst we annoy people.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: but people are noticing some people who support dental like Nefelius had to delete toons because there reputation was bad from helping Dentsl
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: well i dont want to be trolled when i rp
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Actually, while you may think being hurt by strangers on the internet is a bit pathetic, I do know people who have been very upset by the comments you guys make
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: us or Dental, Bria?
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Dental. FYI: Going around telling RPers that you hope they never breed, well...
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: WTF
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Butts posted on my blog for Ivey to kill her self
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: Yeah, uh, rp doesn't bother me. Erp does.
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: ... You have no idea what people on the internet may be going through because you don't know them.
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: If your friends are offended by any comments, tell them to try the ignore function out.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: WEll i wish they same to Him
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: exactly. Dental is always going too far its not just snowballs they are hurting ppl irl
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: And while I don't want to betray anyone's confidence, I'm pretty sure the player in question won't mind me saying that "Please never breed" is not the kind of thing you want to hear when you're...
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: ... recovering from a radical hysto.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: Dental Only Hates me becuase i use a fem toon
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: Hello, I'm a fem toon.
[Local] Rob Steele@Rob_Steel: I wouldn't want to hear it regardless
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: I'm also a Dental.
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: So is Inaji.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: its not just Dental its others helping them like SSR
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: And Emergency Entertainment Hologra.
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: *hologram
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: inaji trolls
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: I don't think being a fem toon is a problem. It's the way certain fem toons present themselves... it's misogynistic
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: Butts and Starfleet Dental Are Anti Role player , Anti Trekkie and Anti Jew
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Poison, with the greatest respect, you aren't helping.
[Local] Rob Steele@Rob_Steel: and you're amazing anti Dental, you could just ignore them
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I don't think they're anti jew. They're just making tasteless jokes.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: im just spreading the word
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Ivey should be angry they have been trolling her for one year
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: Nah Bria they Are
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: well Butts is
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Anyway, sorry to go off on a rant. I know the ignore function is there for a reason, and if we all used it, we wouldn't have a problem.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: I cant ignore snowballs knocking me over for hours Bria
[Local] Christopher Pike@heavymetalpi: if you all used it you wouldn't have any fun
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: its not just a few its an hour or more at a time
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: No need to apologise, you were polite and typed like you understood the English language. Nice to see that coming from the other side of the debate. :)
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: True. That does get pretty irritating.
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: agree aiko and ill be gone for the end this month but it stop from spreading the truth
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Well, thank you, Su'chak. Look, please don't post this log online - or if you do, edit my comments about my friend out, please?
[Local] Rob Steele@Rob_Steel: that's more a game flaw, they shouldn't have let those out of the winter event
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: I'm not posting any of this.
[Local] Rob Steele@Rob_Steel: imo
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: I just wanted to idle here talking to some friends when Aiko came in.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Thats what dental does they take exploit game flaws
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Thank you. For what it's worth, it's nice to be able to have a reasonable conversation with some of you.
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: remember all the green smoke?
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: That smoke was hilarious and originally made by a non-Dental.
[Local] Rob Steele@Rob_Steel: It wasn't just Dental with the snowballs
[Local] Poison Ivey@WraithRaptor: gtg friends
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: Later, Ivey
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Dental ally fleets too like shutup wesley, reddit alert, house of snoo and nerds of prey are all dentals
[Local] Rob Steele@Rob_Steel: yes, yes, everyone is in Dental
[Local] Su'chak@Grimrak: Reddit alert and house of snoo are reddit fleets and nothing to do with Dental. You are crazy.
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: I just think you can be a RPer without antagonising Dental (or most of them, anyway)
[Local] Aiko@aikookia: Nerds of prey is the KDF dental fleet, Shutup Wesleys troll with Dentals, and they have members on sno o but not all
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: I think it's more they have common interests than they're allies.
[Local] Bria@evasmithbirling: *not allies - I mean the same fleet
I don't understand why people keep talking about me. I haven't been on for almost a week. Seriously, kids, do something else with your time- like get a job?
ReplyDeleteAw Geese Well I don't Know Butts maybe its Because You where Judging Orions , Caitions and Also Role Players and Trekkies and Jews and Tell that to Your Goons who Worship you and Dear Leader as some Angel . like some Twisted Cult to get a Real Life they spend most their days Trolling and Hacking in the Game