Friday, February 15, 2013

Robas: Arbiter of peace

"Aiko - You are probably already aware but Shutup Wesley/Dental took over your blog.  I hope that your email hasn't been compromised as well.

I would recommend emediatly to contact blogspot and tell them what happened.  Also, don't loose hope.  I am rallying the troops and the fight is nowhere near over.  Don't let their actions get you discouraged.  They are looking for anyway to make themselves feel like they are in power again.  Unfortunately, hacking is now their only method.  I assure you that players are dedicated to seeing this threat stopped."

- Taken from an e-mail sent to Aiko on January 17th.

 Do you love to laugh? So do we. We laughed a lot at this:

"Aiko you can Update on the blog when you have the Chance Dear Trekkies , Roleplayers , and People with Aspergers when i Tried to  Make a Good Comment Without Butts and Acidcouch Accusing me of Being a Hacker on the Site they only say that to make you turn against let and you see how Butts act he Has a Grudge Against Trekkies and Autism and what he Said he Said Ppl with Aspergers should be tied on the Pole and Get Shot so who Ever Butts is from Came from the Wrong side Earth maybe a Country that Kill ppl Who are Autistic and if he hate star trek so much why would he Be in STO ?   and He Says Trekkies are a Lost Cost well TELL YOU THIS Butts your a Lost Cost and you know it your followers cant stop ppl from playing sto forever like Aiko Said your Days are Numbered and one day you Should Worship a Real God not a Made up one like Dear Leader and However i see your what your World is and its filled with Hate Towards Jews , Autistics,Trekkies and Role Players and to you Unifiliats that are against the Public erp Perveerts out there Dental is not Helping they Allow Butts to make an Account to force Erp to me and my friends this is a chat log long ago from a Source Long ago [Tell] Butts@wat : I can make another account to do sick nasty sexual stuff to ppl ///// thats a tell from Butts i found and  he use a Toon which @wmwmwmwmwmwmwwwmwww when butts Swich Instance he his Sick other account Toon goes around saying sick and disturbing stuff to ppl and otherwise Butts@wat is nothing worse then thos erp perverts but however Butts is nasty he Goes Trolls Aiko's Blog and Told Ppl to kill themselves and furthermore he's not a Mesiah He's just like them the Bullies from and all i want is to Enjoy the Game for and my Trekkie and Rper Friends without Butts's insults to Ppl To the Trekkies and Rolplayers Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley are not Gods they're not Angels or Heroes they're are just Slobs who Go pay 40 Dollars a Month for a site just to brag about their Cyber Bullying dont Be-leave Check their Furoms  there Acicouch (Who's part of the Fleet who Hacked the Blog ) There's Ludikro who Goes Insults Rpers and KDF Players on youtube and There's Devian666 AKA the Crybaby Troll  (i Call him that Because He Hates Role Players all for one which is pathetic )) So these 3 and More Brag and Laugh and Spend 40 Dollars all for a Dumb Site so they can Legalize Cyber Bullying  but Like Aiko Said their Days are Numbered and they are losing their Cause they are Fighting a Lost Cause and they know they get a guest log from Cryptic or PWE so they are all lowlife goons and last but least we are Taking STO Back they Been Trolling Lesser and Only Trolls in the Late Nights but they are Afraid truly Afraid And We rpers ,Trekkies and Autistcs are not Lowlife Puebies so to the Rpers Trekkies and Autistic ppl your not Alone these Goons from can over power you if you let em and Butts i Dare to Say A Comment Because it wont stop me Spreading the Word that your a Lowlife Troll i hope you have fun in Prison but To my Friend Aiko Keep up the Good Work Spread the Word and Dont let these Goons win Ever this is a Good Message to the Star Trek Community and a Bad Fucken Message to Starfleet Dental , Shutup Wesley and their friends from"

Thursday, February 14, 2013

From the Ministry of Peace and Prosperity:

ATTN: Ivey, Robas, Callen, Tyler, Reddfield, Skyzcoolz, and friends:

With all the focus on the negative with regards to Starfleet Dental, our charitable and humanitarian efforts often get overlooked; they fall by the wayside, never receiving the credit they deserve. Our message of PEACE is diluted, our holy mission desecrated and discarded. 

Yet Dentals are merciful, devoutly adhering to the precepts left behind by our Dear Leader. 

In an extension of our mercy to you, the unfortunate, downtrodden bottom-feeders of Drozana, we offer you this:

This poster was recently spotted by a Dental Officer of the Peace at a movie theater and thought you pubbies could benefit from it. 

You can thank us later. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Since Aiko's on the fence about leaving...

We've decided to help nudge her out the door. 

This blog has been found guilty of the following offenses:
+Disturbing the peace
+Willfully spreading misinformation
+Blasphemy against Butts and our Dear Leader
+Comic Sans

For these reasons, we have decided to remove it completely, but wait, that's not all!

We have taken the liberty of going a step further by deactivating Aiko's STO account as well. This blog will remain up for 48 hours before this google account, blog and e-mail included, will also be deactivated. 

It is unfortunate that Aiko, or should we say David (how is Nebraska, by the way?), has chosen to create a blog as a mouthpiece for Ivey's paranoid, nonsensical rants. Frivolous sensationalism solves nothing; we have, time and time again, offered to correct the glaring errors found on this blog (ex: Ipkris being banned, Dental allied with House of Cron, etc), only to have those corrections ignored.

Aiko's "sources" provide only wild speculation and rumor; several players falsely accused of being "Dental spies"have been harassed in-game. Naturally, however, if anyone questions the accuracy of the information found here, they are written off as "Dental allies". 

Thus, we feel that retiring Aiko's blog is in the best interest of Drozana and her citizens. 

Victory comes quick and easy to the followers of Butts. The Dear Leader favors us above all - we fear no darkness; we feel no pain. 

Here's some info on our friend Aiko:

STO Account: Aiko250
Password: tanaka***43

Gmail Account: aikookia152

Additional Shout outs to: Poison Ivey, Skycoolz,  Nicolas Skywalker, Robas, and the ONI crew for your participation in this incredibly godawful abomination of a blog. We enjoyed reading through your many e-mails. 

Brought to you by your friends:
We're still working on the logo. 
And Butts came and spake to them, saying, all power is given to the Dear Leader in Heaven and in Earth. 

Monday, February 11, 2013


It has been awhile, I have been busy IRL and also I was thinking of quitting but I wont quit after I sat and read through all of Butts comments I cant believe he would say bad things that like to people and I am sticking around believe me, but I want to first make an announcement:

I heard from a source that the Dental troll IPKRIS is now BANNED!

IF this is true, and I need confirmation on this if anyone has any proof or screen shots or chat logs please send me them immediately because Ipkris is one of the WORST Dental trolls hanging out in Drozana all the time with his balloon party popper lagging up the whole state for other people and saying rude things to players. He always corrects there grammar and STO isnt English class its a game and if he wants to correct grammar all day maybe he should go work in a school but then he would troll all the students and school would be even WORSE than it already is. 

Ipkris is also a high level TROLL in Dental after Butts so if this news is true than thats 2 high level dentals down and a few more to go:


These are the gang of four aka the top rung of the Dental leadership ladder and then it goes down to tier 2 members:

Su'Chak (Nerds of Prey KDF dental fleet)
Ludikro (Tufty)

Then low level member trolls:


ALSO: Time to focus on the new REAL leaders behind the senes of Dental, SHUTUP Wesley:

Leader: Kattiea, Troll Queen

Top Members: Leshrac, Zoerp (also leader of Nerds of Prey), Acidcouch, CesBot, JohntheRussian


BESIDES THIS I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR SUPPORT DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME. I got emails from lots of people who play STO still angry about the Dental hacking and wanting to support me telling me to keep making the blog and I know now I must continue thank you everyone (except trolls) and also BTW Acidcouch I wont sell my blog for a million dollars because the truth is price less and you can just bribe someone to hide the truth thats also ILLEGAL and AGAINST THE LAW and you will already have enough problems with the FBI and GOOGLE when they investigate your hacking on my site and all the problems you cause people both in the game and IRL so keep your blood money I dont want it thanks.

I got this e-mail from a fan that really touched my heart and made me get courage to write this post:

Aiko im Glad you Didint Give Up because i was like you . the Dentals and Wesleys Trolled me but i Still Stand up to Em and i Still Play STO these Assholes wont make me leave they'll try but fail hell  i spend most my time gearing up Ivey but Dental they just spend their lowlife Goons pestering ppl like Dresner in Mine Trap remember the Shooting in a Theater for the New Batman Movie it was Tragic but it Never Stop everyone from going to see that movie same with us role players ,Trekkies ,Nerds and Trekkers we will keep playing STO and We'll Keep Standing up to those Goons the STO Community will Never Die and more Players Come to STO every time theres an Update Star Trek is a Legacy it was Made but i tell you something Aiko im a Jerk and a i Greef too but i know it upset ppl So I stopped it all because i become someone im not i played STO for 2 years  i trolled to get back at the asshole Players but i moved on after that i made more friends and i focus playing the Game more often be myself I Decide to MakeIvey just because ill get Respect From the Trolls i never chose to Use Female Characters but i only do it  and i made all ought a good  Friends not like the Ones who Stabbed you in the Back  for me i dont care what Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley think of Me and I wont Stop Spreading the Word of How Evil Horrific and God Awful They Really Are they Wont stop me playing STO or any MMO for me i have Friends who Agreed with and to Butts@wat I dont Care What you think of Me your Just a Lowlife Goon Filled with Hate and telling me and my Friends to kill Ourselves i can see why your Banned and im Glad you are soon your Followers will join you you cant kill Star Trek . Star Trek is Made by a Guy who want all nations to Become One World in a Peaceful Way even tho he was in the World in the Wars in the Middle East and Africa  , The Cuban Missile Crysis , the Vietnam War and the Cold War all the bad things Happening in Real Life He Still imagine the Earth will soon be Saved His name Was Gene Roddenberry and He Past Away Long Ago i would gladly thank Him but you Butts@wat your a Lowlife Hatter So i Hope you Rot in a Cell in a Prison and Aiko Please Ad this Message to the Blog so All Trekkies all rpers all Geeks and Nerds we can still stand up and we'll show these Goons from that we're not afraid and its time to Show these Goons the Middle Finger and Go Honor Gene's Dream long Live the Star Trek Community from the Owner of Beastie ,Komodo and Poison Ivey. a Good Message for the Star Trek Message and a Bad Fucken Message for Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

UPDATE: A Short Break

Hey  All

If you read my blog regularly then you know that I havent made any updates at all the past few days and usually I update one or two times a day. I got some messages from supporters asking if I am ok and alive and the answer is yes everything is ok, but a few days ago I wasnt feeling too good.

Actually I thought about leaving the blog and STO and doing other things and forgetting about everything because it seems no matter how much we try the Dentals wont stop and they get worse and worse hacking into blogs and into private channels and doing real damage with laggy balloons and its to the point now where I am afraid for everyone now because who knows what the next step will be for them they can do anything even hack accounts and cause lots of damage. It made me think maybe this all is for nothing because the DENTALS and WESLEYS arent going away even with Butts gone and the GMS/Devs/MODS like Branflakes and Askray dont do anything to stop the Dentals from griefing and cyberbullying other players and making jokes about dead people dying in goating accidents when its really BOATING not GOATING and jokes about autism and WW2. You have seen the videos they are like some sick cult and everything is for their DEAR LEADER and they are like puppets they dont care if they ruin lives how many people left the game because of them already? Lots and it keeps growing and they only laugh about it on their own rpdenied blog and somethingawfulforums and even BUTTS himself comes on my BLOG and uses it to continue trolling people even though he cant play the game my blog is a tool for him to continue his sick trolling on other good people and players.

SO I thought about closing the blog forever and stopping STO too because I am so sick of the trolling and even if I ignore them it ruins my immersion into the Star Trek universe and I cannot focus on GOOD RPing so maybe LOTRO is better or something I dont know at least theres no Dental lol.

But then I logged on Aiko earlier today on Drozana and as usual Dental was there with balloons trying to lag everyone and cause problems and I thought that if I stop the blog then that means I agree that they won against us and theres no hope left for STO and that isn’t true because lots of players and RPers still log on everyday and try to spend some time RPing and playing Star Trek like Roddenberry would want it and even if they are trolled and get mad then oh well they can try tomorrow or mabeon another place like DS9 and they dont give up and I remembered why I started the blog and its not just about DENTAL its about the community we have and we are making it stronger every day and I am so proud of everyone here who helps other RPers and stands up against the trolls even if the Mods/Devs dont have the balls to do anything about it its in the hands of the players now and go to hell Dental and Shutup Wesleys and Kattiea Sterie Iprkis I am not going anywhere and you can hack me all you want I will always come back because its not just me it’s a big group of people who said “that’s enough” and I get so much support from players every day you know its YOUR days numbered on this game not mine. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013


We know that recently Dental tactics turned to hacking and causing problems for people outside of dancing and snowballs because of Butts and his ban but they are back causing lots of new problems for Rpers and everyone. CHECK YOUR FLEETS. It came to me that DENTAL is invading fleet channels and sending spies and alts into other fleets and then mass inviting Dentals to join or closing the fleets all together. COULD YOUR FLEET BE A VICTIM? I am not sure all of where they are yet but I got an e-mail from one player who had a bad experience JUST TODAY about this situation. 

Hey Aiko....
Bad day for me and I have info that needs to go on your blog.  Also, don't let yourself get discouraged with the new party item.  We still need to push forward with the fight.

It has been verified that there are clones of myself in Starfleet Dental: Robas@bomberman x and Robas@preechr.  One of these clones was claiming to be me awhile back on Drozana, stating they were part of the Anti Dental KDF fleet.

No today - I log on to find out that by an honest mistake, one of my fleet members from the Office of Naval Intelligence accidently invited a Dental *or Dental Affiliate* into ONI.  Once this member joined ONI, the began mass recruiting Dentals into the fleet.  After this had been done, the Dentals in ONI decided to attend an alliance summit on Risa with the intent to Ally my fleet with Starfleet Dental.  Fortunately, a couple of my fleet members were able to thwart this attempt.

A few of the known people include Inaji, Neelix/Sovel, and a lot more.  This is getting out of hand and we need to push back to put a stop to this behavior.

And you don't need to sensor this - I want it known.

We need to be careful because THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE. ALL RP FLEETS - please come up with a plan in case your fleet has dental spies or is infiltrated by Dental. Train your high ranking officers how to interview or ask questions to potential new members, check your OWN new members and members who don't talk much for signs of spying or infiltration, keep alert about ALL members and make sure that THIS ^^ doesnt happen to you. You could lose money or your whole fleet could be deleted or changed to Sweet Rear Ends. 

This is a WARNING. 


Today on both Risa 1 and 2 there was an RP meeting discussing many different topics about RPers in STO and how to work together and communicate better. I think this is a very good idea and I am happy that all the major RP fleets in STO can meet and talk about issues and help and support each other in the game and outside the game. Congratulations!

I couldnt be there, but I know the topic turned to trolling and griefing and Starfleet Dental and there were ideas on how to stop the cyber bullying from happening. I wasnt there I dont have much info or chat logs except basic info someone told me so if anyone has more information or logs of the event pleast send them to me I know a LOT of RPers check this site so I want information to be available to everyone and including people who were not there, thank you. 

What You Need to Know about Dental

Starfleet Dental is a troll and annoying fleet starting from STO, but maybe you didnt know that Starfleet Dental is actually a much bigger organization than what you see and the usual trolls Sterie Ipkris Inaji Tufty Nbreeki Darone Ernesto Vawn Su'chak and others are just low level members of a big group that goes up the The Dear Leader who gives all the information to the trolls on many different MMO games to do. The Starfleet Dentals are the low members and the Shutup Wesleys are like the middle managers who take orders from The Dear Leader (AcidCouch  Kattiea Cesbot Zoerp Leshrac @johntherussian) and give them to Dentals to do the work. Butts used to be the manager of Dental before banning and now Shutup Wesley are managers so if one gets banned others can still give orders. Nerds of Prey Shutup Welsey and Starfleet Dental all work together and sometimes House of Snoo and REDDIT Alert are also allies. Starfleet Dental started on STO and now is in Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR and they are like a cult always trolling and giving thanks to Butts like "praise Butts" and the Dear Leader.

If you dont believe me that they are like a sick trolling cult look at these videos below for Starfleet Dental in different games maybe the game changed but the message is still the same everywhere. 

Friday, February 1, 2013


I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW AT THIS STUPID GAME AND CRYPTIC! WHAT THE HELL ARE THE DEVS THINKING MAKING ANOTHER DAMN PARTY POPPER? IF you havent seen it yet the game has a 3 year party or something and a prize for the event is a party popper AND THEY MADE A NEW PARTY POPPER THAT DOES THIS: