Saturday, February 2, 2013


We know that recently Dental tactics turned to hacking and causing problems for people outside of dancing and snowballs because of Butts and his ban but they are back causing lots of new problems for Rpers and everyone. CHECK YOUR FLEETS. It came to me that DENTAL is invading fleet channels and sending spies and alts into other fleets and then mass inviting Dentals to join or closing the fleets all together. COULD YOUR FLEET BE A VICTIM? I am not sure all of where they are yet but I got an e-mail from one player who had a bad experience JUST TODAY about this situation. 

Hey Aiko....
Bad day for me and I have info that needs to go on your blog.  Also, don't let yourself get discouraged with the new party item.  We still need to push forward with the fight.

It has been verified that there are clones of myself in Starfleet Dental: Robas@bomberman x and Robas@preechr.  One of these clones was claiming to be me awhile back on Drozana, stating they were part of the Anti Dental KDF fleet.

No today - I log on to find out that by an honest mistake, one of my fleet members from the Office of Naval Intelligence accidently invited a Dental *or Dental Affiliate* into ONI.  Once this member joined ONI, the began mass recruiting Dentals into the fleet.  After this had been done, the Dentals in ONI decided to attend an alliance summit on Risa with the intent to Ally my fleet with Starfleet Dental.  Fortunately, a couple of my fleet members were able to thwart this attempt.

A few of the known people include Inaji, Neelix/Sovel, and a lot more.  This is getting out of hand and we need to push back to put a stop to this behavior.

And you don't need to sensor this - I want it known.

We need to be careful because THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE. ALL RP FLEETS - please come up with a plan in case your fleet has dental spies or is infiltrated by Dental. Train your high ranking officers how to interview or ask questions to potential new members, check your OWN new members and members who don't talk much for signs of spying or infiltration, keep alert about ALL members and make sure that THIS ^^ doesnt happen to you. You could lose money or your whole fleet could be deleted or changed to Sweet Rear Ends. 

This is a WARNING. 


Today on both Risa 1 and 2 there was an RP meeting discussing many different topics about RPers in STO and how to work together and communicate better. I think this is a very good idea and I am happy that all the major RP fleets in STO can meet and talk about issues and help and support each other in the game and outside the game. Congratulations!

I couldnt be there, but I know the topic turned to trolling and griefing and Starfleet Dental and there were ideas on how to stop the cyber bullying from happening. I wasnt there I dont have much info or chat logs except basic info someone told me so if anyone has more information or logs of the event pleast send them to me I know a LOT of RPers check this site so I want information to be available to everyone and including people who were not there, thank you. 

What You Need to Know about Dental

Starfleet Dental is a troll and annoying fleet starting from STO, but maybe you didnt know that Starfleet Dental is actually a much bigger organization than what you see and the usual trolls Sterie Ipkris Inaji Tufty Nbreeki Darone Ernesto Vawn Su'chak and others are just low level members of a big group that goes up the The Dear Leader who gives all the information to the trolls on many different MMO games to do. The Starfleet Dentals are the low members and the Shutup Wesleys are like the middle managers who take orders from The Dear Leader (AcidCouch  Kattiea Cesbot Zoerp Leshrac @johntherussian) and give them to Dentals to do the work. Butts used to be the manager of Dental before banning and now Shutup Wesley are managers so if one gets banned others can still give orders. Nerds of Prey Shutup Welsey and Starfleet Dental all work together and sometimes House of Snoo and REDDIT Alert are also allies. Starfleet Dental started on STO and now is in Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR and they are like a cult always trolling and giving thanks to Butts like "praise Butts" and the Dear Leader.

If you dont believe me that they are like a sick trolling cult look at these videos below for Starfleet Dental in different games maybe the game changed but the message is still the same everywhere. 


  1. The 3rd video was disturbing as Hell it was like brain washing people plus I watch the comments on their greerfing ones some ppl agree like the one says yay goons where your Rodenberry now ? But atleast their some who agree with you and me Aiko my name is treavor and I endores the post

    1. You do know that Starfleet Dental spans beyond your autistic realm of Star Trek Online, right? Come to Guild Wars 2 or EVE online. Keep ranting how the universe would be better off without us. Tell me, what's it like being homeschooled? Being brainwashed by your own kin and not with minds of the greater good?

    2. You are a delusional psychopath Butts. And there is nothing wrong with being homeschooled.

      P.S. The only brainwashing going on is done at PUBLIC schools, where they are beginning to not even teach American history before 1870!

    3. *sigh* Yes, we were never taught what happened in 1776. Thank you for your patronage. Kill yourself and/or die in a fire.

    4. No you shut the Hell up Butts telling Ppl to kill themselves eveytime they dont agree i dont like you Butts i hate you after what you did in STO and im sick of your lies towards other ppl so shutup telling kill themselves ButtHead i hope you have fun in Prison

    5. 1 more thing Butts this is why many ppl hate you your a Nasty Hateful person

    6. Another thing Butts i can See why you and your Followers Admire Osama Binladan and Adolf Hitler because these 2 feel nothing but hatred towards other ppl because they're Deferent and i already know what you imagine in your world Butts you dont Admire anyone except the ppl who Killed millions of Innocent Men Woman and Children Hell you Dress as Hitler in STO along with your Goon Companions your world is based on Hitler's Dream not Gene Rodenberry's or Martin Luther King Jr's Dream and Roddenberry's dream of the Future is Re Uniting the Nations in a Peaceful Way and Martin Luther King Jr he wanted all Skin Colors to come together but your World Butts is the Exact Oppisate No your World is Against Almost Everyone and you go around spreading Hate in STO sending Death Threats calling people who use fem toons Sexual Predators and sending offesive and Homophobia and Racist Words towards other People and telling ppl to Kill themselves who dont Agree with you whatever you are Butts your just a sad person filled with Hate and i dont feel sorry for you i wish i do but i dont one more thing Butts you may have Ppl support but the Trekkies Trekkers and Jews and Autistic Ppl will be Against you and maybe most of the world

  2. Hey I'm not brainwashed by anyone unlike your group of goons and furthermore butthead your group are truly a sick cult thinking everyone's emotions is a joke butthead and further more your nothing but a hateful troll cult butthead and hope you all have fun in with Arus in prison

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Agree Jason and back then when i was Child there was a Very good Reason im not in public school because i been bullied by not only students but also the teachers been weeks and hellish and you Butts you think Public school is that Great ? look what it turn those 2 boys who started the Combined thing in there Highshool there is something wrong your nothing but a sociopath who thinks cyber bullying is a joke

    1. The fact that you are susceptible to being bullied is the own reason in itself why you were removed from public schools. You have thin skin and cannot withstand not "getting your way". Public schools prepare you for the real world. They prepare you for interaction. The reason why homeschooling isn't a flawless solution is because you are sheltered and not given a chance to speak with many different points of views/cultures. You are your own definition of sociopath.

      I'm sorry that you don't see things my way, it would have made your life much more pleasant. Tell me what you will do with your life when your mother dies from old age. Tell me about loneliness and lack of self-esteem. Tell me about your self-diagnosed autism.

    2. No it's not Butts all I see in your world is nothing but hatred towards autism because they're deferent your a lowlife goon who admires Adolf Hitler and stop telling about my personal life I hope you enjoy prison butthead

    3. Homeschooling is perfectly fine. As is public/private schooling. They are different in many ways but they are still AN EDUCATION that you can use throughout you life. Doesn't matter what one you went to, and as for "History Class" does it really matter? If you wanted to know just Google it. You can't just tell someone that there choice of schooling is "Wrong". (Well i suppose you could, but it has no effect and you just come across as a jerk.)

    4. Lacking education from a formal institution that has not been accredited denies you the right to earn a High School diploma. Being home-schooled gives more one-on-one attention to the student, but ends up crippling their ability to socialize with different cultures. Along with that, who taught you reading and writing, Treavor? Your writing is so terrible, I get frustrated trying to even understand it. Take what Callum M said and look online on how to construct sentences effectively.

      Also, what is with this fetish about prisons? Are you expressing your inner desire to become a man's Poison Ivey [sic]? Your father must be so proud of you Treavor. So proud that he disappeared from the rest of your childhood!

    5. Homeschooling does not cripple your ability to socialize. You still have friends, IRL and In-Game.

    6. My Character Poison Ivey the reason you hate her is because she's an Orion and Butts i work at a Job Program for Disabilities like me who are good friends of mine in real life and Butts all you do is insulting other ppl and their characters just becuase i role play as a woman doesn't mean im a Sexual Predator it makes me human and another thing Butts your Family failed you not mine all i see inside is a sad old man filled with Hatred that His Hero Adolf Hitler Died

  5. Butthead your so pathetic and filled with hate like always I don' care what you said about me or my parents Butts your a person filled with hate telling ppl to go kill themselves and I can see what your world is an it's a world I don't wannabe part of anyway

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