Thursday, February 7, 2013

UPDATE: A Short Break

Hey  All

If you read my blog regularly then you know that I havent made any updates at all the past few days and usually I update one or two times a day. I got some messages from supporters asking if I am ok and alive and the answer is yes everything is ok, but a few days ago I wasnt feeling too good.

Actually I thought about leaving the blog and STO and doing other things and forgetting about everything because it seems no matter how much we try the Dentals wont stop and they get worse and worse hacking into blogs and into private channels and doing real damage with laggy balloons and its to the point now where I am afraid for everyone now because who knows what the next step will be for them they can do anything even hack accounts and cause lots of damage. It made me think maybe this all is for nothing because the DENTALS and WESLEYS arent going away even with Butts gone and the GMS/Devs/MODS like Branflakes and Askray dont do anything to stop the Dentals from griefing and cyberbullying other players and making jokes about dead people dying in goating accidents when its really BOATING not GOATING and jokes about autism and WW2. You have seen the videos they are like some sick cult and everything is for their DEAR LEADER and they are like puppets they dont care if they ruin lives how many people left the game because of them already? Lots and it keeps growing and they only laugh about it on their own rpdenied blog and somethingawfulforums and even BUTTS himself comes on my BLOG and uses it to continue trolling people even though he cant play the game my blog is a tool for him to continue his sick trolling on other good people and players.

SO I thought about closing the blog forever and stopping STO too because I am so sick of the trolling and even if I ignore them it ruins my immersion into the Star Trek universe and I cannot focus on GOOD RPing so maybe LOTRO is better or something I dont know at least theres no Dental lol.

But then I logged on Aiko earlier today on Drozana and as usual Dental was there with balloons trying to lag everyone and cause problems and I thought that if I stop the blog then that means I agree that they won against us and theres no hope left for STO and that isn’t true because lots of players and RPers still log on everyday and try to spend some time RPing and playing Star Trek like Roddenberry would want it and even if they are trolled and get mad then oh well they can try tomorrow or mabeon another place like DS9 and they dont give up and I remembered why I started the blog and its not just about DENTAL its about the community we have and we are making it stronger every day and I am so proud of everyone here who helps other RPers and stands up against the trolls even if the Mods/Devs dont have the balls to do anything about it its in the hands of the players now and go to hell Dental and Shutup Wesleys and Kattiea Sterie Iprkis I am not going anywhere and you can hack me all you want I will always come back because its not just me it’s a big group of people who said “that’s enough” and I get so much support from players every day you know its YOUR days numbered on this game not mine. 


  1. Replies
    1. Why would we want Aiko to die?

    2. Up yours Butts you lowlife goon

    3. Violance creates violance... The fire is biting butts back.. He got kicked out from his home when he was 7 because he was so nasty that not even his mother wanted anything to do with him. Now he only lives because he have alot of butt followers

  2. See this is why Butts should be banned from STO and every other mmo game all he does is hate the star trek community he's nothing but an angry troll from plus he hates Jews that's why he dress as adolf hitler you know what Butts your immature as always so go be hitler somewhere else

  3. Aiko if you read this donot Give up STO and the Blog there's Still Ppl Counting on You spreading the Word and let Butts Trolled the Blog He's just a Sad Man that his Hero Adolf Died all i ask is to fight last time i feel the same you feel but your blog help me it help the rpers know what starfleet dental really is so please Aiko Dont give up

  4. Don't give up Aiko. Ignore someone who uses Butts for his name O.O

  5. No it's you dentals who already lost you ppl are nothing but cyber bullies from and Aiko we did not lost we will still fight these goons

  6. We are in LOTRO too. Don't worry. We will find you.

  7. Ooooh a Butts fan god you goons really admire a guy who admires adolf hitler you ppl are still pathetic like always

  8. Aiko please do not give up we can't let these trolls takeover our games please Aiko continue the fight

  9. What fight? There is no way we can rid games of dental. I mean unless we get a devs help that is. But we do need to continue to fight against all that dental does until we get a devs attention at least.

  10. Aiko do not give up sooner or later dentals, wesleys and all those trollers will be gone. We just need keep fighting so we draw the attention of the devs !!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Dental will not leave until ERP enthusiasts stop posting filth in public areas. This is a game children play and it isn't acceptal to role play sexual acts in a public instance. If you want to do that sort of thing, go to your own bridge. In fact, it isn't just Dental fighting against this, other people unaffilated with this fleet are now taking a stand. We will make STO a safer game for children to play. Instead of banning members of Dental, PWE should be clamping down on perverts and dancing emotes befitting of a stripper. This isn't Second Life.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are an Idiot Niko Andro you and Several other Players who Are with Starfleet Dental doesn't understand what Dental do all they Do is Troll and Harassed Players (not ERP Involved )) they Go Troll ppl they Dress as adolf hitler telling ppl to kill themselves insulting their Characters ad their chatlogs and bios to their for their Amusements and on more thing Niko your a Idiot and every other Player support Dental are Stupid and Clue less

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Aiko dont give up please, you are doing a great work and you are not alone in the fight!
