Monday, February 11, 2013


It has been awhile, I have been busy IRL and also I was thinking of quitting but I wont quit after I sat and read through all of Butts comments I cant believe he would say bad things that like to people and I am sticking around believe me, but I want to first make an announcement:

I heard from a source that the Dental troll IPKRIS is now BANNED!

IF this is true, and I need confirmation on this if anyone has any proof or screen shots or chat logs please send me them immediately because Ipkris is one of the WORST Dental trolls hanging out in Drozana all the time with his balloon party popper lagging up the whole state for other people and saying rude things to players. He always corrects there grammar and STO isnt English class its a game and if he wants to correct grammar all day maybe he should go work in a school but then he would troll all the students and school would be even WORSE than it already is. 

Ipkris is also a high level TROLL in Dental after Butts so if this news is true than thats 2 high level dentals down and a few more to go:


These are the gang of four aka the top rung of the Dental leadership ladder and then it goes down to tier 2 members:

Su'Chak (Nerds of Prey KDF dental fleet)
Ludikro (Tufty)

Then low level member trolls:


ALSO: Time to focus on the new REAL leaders behind the senes of Dental, SHUTUP Wesley:

Leader: Kattiea, Troll Queen

Top Members: Leshrac, Zoerp (also leader of Nerds of Prey), Acidcouch, CesBot, JohntheRussian


BESIDES THIS I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR SUPPORT DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME. I got emails from lots of people who play STO still angry about the Dental hacking and wanting to support me telling me to keep making the blog and I know now I must continue thank you everyone (except trolls) and also BTW Acidcouch I wont sell my blog for a million dollars because the truth is price less and you can just bribe someone to hide the truth thats also ILLEGAL and AGAINST THE LAW and you will already have enough problems with the FBI and GOOGLE when they investigate your hacking on my site and all the problems you cause people both in the game and IRL so keep your blood money I dont want it thanks.

I got this e-mail from a fan that really touched my heart and made me get courage to write this post:

Aiko im Glad you Didint Give Up because i was like you . the Dentals and Wesleys Trolled me but i Still Stand up to Em and i Still Play STO these Assholes wont make me leave they'll try but fail hell  i spend most my time gearing up Ivey but Dental they just spend their lowlife Goons pestering ppl like Dresner in Mine Trap remember the Shooting in a Theater for the New Batman Movie it was Tragic but it Never Stop everyone from going to see that movie same with us role players ,Trekkies ,Nerds and Trekkers we will keep playing STO and We'll Keep Standing up to those Goons the STO Community will Never Die and more Players Come to STO every time theres an Update Star Trek is a Legacy it was Made but i tell you something Aiko im a Jerk and a i Greef too but i know it upset ppl So I stopped it all because i become someone im not i played STO for 2 years  i trolled to get back at the asshole Players but i moved on after that i made more friends and i focus playing the Game more often be myself I Decide to MakeIvey just because ill get Respect From the Trolls i never chose to Use Female Characters but i only do it  and i made all ought a good  Friends not like the Ones who Stabbed you in the Back  for me i dont care what Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley think of Me and I wont Stop Spreading the Word of How Evil Horrific and God Awful They Really Are they Wont stop me playing STO or any MMO for me i have Friends who Agreed with and to Butts@wat I dont Care What you think of Me your Just a Lowlife Goon Filled with Hate and telling me and my Friends to kill Ourselves i can see why your Banned and im Glad you are soon your Followers will join you you cant kill Star Trek . Star Trek is Made by a Guy who want all nations to Become One World in a Peaceful Way even tho he was in the World in the Wars in the Middle East and Africa  , The Cuban Missile Crysis , the Vietnam War and the Cold War all the bad things Happening in Real Life He Still imagine the Earth will soon be Saved His name Was Gene Roddenberry and He Past Away Long Ago i would gladly thank Him but you Butts@wat your a Lowlife Hatter So i Hope you Rot in a Cell in a Prison and Aiko Please Ad this Message to the Blog so All Trekkies all rpers all Geeks and Nerds we can still stand up and we'll show these Goons from that we're not afraid and its time to Show these Goons the Middle Finger and Go Honor Gene's Dream long Live the Star Trek Community from the Owner of Beastie ,Komodo and Poison Ivey. a Good Message for the Star Trek Message and a Bad Fucken Message for Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley  


  1. To Everyone who's Playing MMO Games who are Autistic Trekkies and Nerds dont worry your not alone The Cyber Bullies from can over power you if you let im Treavor Calkum and i Endorse this Message

  2. Treavor, join us on Age of Wushu if your computer can handle it! We are liberating the Chinese of Autism. The trekkies are a lost cause and I could not save them. I'm sorry, but you will die of your illness.

    Think of me as a doctor.

    1. No Up Yours Butts i dont Support Buttheads who told my Friends to Kill Themselves Accuse me as a Hacker and furthermore More Butts im glad your Banned i hope the same with your Followers your Truly a Sociopath and they Way you act with ppl is Sad and pathetic

  3. Sure Ill Join some Cult and Worship some fake God and Dress as Adolf Hitler IN STO like you do Butts ( I Was being Sarcastic )

  4. and boy have they been welcoming the arrival of Butts in Age of Wushu! I've never seen such a game with a warm and open community that was accepted the arrival of fire safety and free oral hygiene before! Praise Butts! Praise Dear Leader!

  5. also I'm proud to announce that the reeducation & reestablishment of the Klingon People is going very well! Shortly we will be commencing the redecortaion of The First City as well!

  6. lol you goons from are still pathetic like always

  7. Well, spell checking commets seems to be a thing of the past. So, when in Rome, Yo wes at Shutup Wesley woulds likes yos tues knws the visit I recieved from the authorites has led to nothin. They laughed soooooooo hard when I showed them all of the source materials, and said they may be following up on false reporting :). GOOD NEWS FOR Denalts, BAD NEWS FOR FALSE REPORTERS. BTW I didn't hack your site the authorities can attest to that.

    1. No You Guys Hacked the Site i Saw your Ad and its Truly Pathetic for abunch a lowlife goons from Acidcouch and you Guys think WW2 is a Joke thats why you sickos dress as Adolf Hitler for Butts

    2. You guys actually hacked this site because it was full of Shutup Wesley logo in it and then you say that you dont have anything to do about it,i think thats a very GOOD proof that you where behind that ! And you call yourself ''we make good'' ,you are just pathetic and when i saw your forums it was like ''in the name of god this is for no life people'' ,so stop coming here saying stupid things and also you say things that its out of place.


      Seriously, look at the Autism speaking out inside you! It is a disease that needs to be extinguished! All of you are harboring evil inside your bodies and must be liberated.

    4. Your Still Pathetic Butts this is the reason why your Banned from STO so keep it up

  8. On a side note your hierarchy of Wesley is severally wrong. FYI, your Intel is week sauce.

  9. No Acidcouch Your ppl Hacked the Blog and Remove Everything Against your Fleet and Starfleet Dental and FYI Dressing As Adolf Hitler Offends German Who Play STO

  10. I attest on the advise of my legal counsel that I had nothing to do with any hacking of any website. I have been investigated by the proper authorities and exonerated. Nuf said. BTW Trevor, get some sun, your looking mighty pale these days.

  11. Well you send someone to hack the site it got your fleet and dental logo all over btw I hate of all it is a safe haven for cyber bullies that ruin pp.'s lives

  12. You can't deny the truth your fleet are scumbag cyber bullies from and I hope this site will soon be tear down

  13. Wait so you hope that "this site will soon be tear down." Sorry to quote you, but you want this site, freeofdental, to be "torn" down. That seems like a threat against all of poor Aiko's hard work. Are you sure you did not do this "hacking" to frame the good people in Dental and Wesley?

    1. No stupid goon I meant and the sites you goons use for your cyber bullyings Aiko was not involve in my com or her blog it's and I see what you posted it's all about let's annoy ppl let's troll let's hack let's cyber bully that's your goons site

    2. I NEVER Hack anyone's sites but you goons you do and you know darn well who it is Acidcouch so stop accusing me for hacking anything

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. To Aiko i Did not Mention freeofdental be tear down i meant to be torn down and i seen that site its all about cyber bullying so im against and hope it will be destroyed

  16. Sources tell me they have began to trace the ip address of the hacker back to the Austin, Texas USA area. We have our top men working on a more exact fix on this hacker. Top men.

    I just find it curious that this ip address has continued accessing this blog, as recent as a few hours ago. Further inspection leads me to discover our dear Trev is from this very same region.

    This is all purely speculation at the moment, one may even go as far to say conjecture. However, I will not rest till my good name is further exonerated and the proper criminal is thrust into the light.

    1. hahahaha that was funny but you just making ridiculous comments.

  17. Good news! I'm in Drozana this very instant - the next four people to say hello will receive, for no charge, a spray from a party popper and/or a jumping jack.

    Your sources clearly suck, and/or have difficulty understanding the difference between "The real world" and "what I wish would happen". Don't worry - people normally get over this by the age of 7, so factoring their developmental delays, it should only be about 62 years until they grow out of it. Until then perhaps you could try seeking confirmation before you disgrace yourself on the internet again?

    1. I lol'd at the first paragraph.

    2. you and Butts are Pathetic Ipskress you guys are the reason to give star trek a bad name and furthermore you think Trekkies are a lost Cause so is yours Butts and Ipkris Aiko's right you would make Schools worse like Trolling Students lol

  18. You two are the worse ppl in the face of sto all you ppl from torment abuse other players here in mmo games and Acidcouch I never hack this site you or your members did

    1. That's what a hacker would say.

    2. No That's you , you ordered someone to Hack Aiko's Blog and you been ordering people from to go bullied other people in MMO Games i saw your Forums you A..holes have no Respect so stop Covering yourself Acidcouch your Screwed and i know the fact your afraid you tried to Bribe Aiko to Cover the Truth Well Keep it up Acidcouch i hope you goons have fun in when it shuts down of how evil you ppl Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley really and im no Hacker You Shutup Wesley Goons are so enjoy laughing while you can because you Goons Already Hacked and everyone know its you Shutup Wesley Who Started so Enjoy Covering your Fleet while You can Acidcouch

  19. Ether way Acidcouch Your fleet Shutup Wesley and Starfleet Dental Have No Respect you Guys go around Dressing Adolf Hitler and Tell Ppl you hope they dont Breed and what else oh you thin ppl's deaths are funny and you dont care anyone's feeling but your own Acidcouch oh you guys are like a Cult worshiping a fake god and you dress as nazis made a nazi symbol you guys truly sick with and you are nothing but Cyber Bullies Every single one of you from Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley and you will never win and one day Karma will get back at you Goons for all the Hate and Bullying you ruin Ppl's lives so you goons all enjoy Prison

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You seem very quick to explain yourself. Is this due to guilt? All indications both electronic and psychological point towards Ivey.

      Did you hack the site out of pure rage for your own pleasure, or a since of grand purpose? In your mind is the cost of the pain and suffering you put Aiko through for your own gratification worth it? Does the weight of consequences of your actions cause you discomfort in retrospect? Honest answers to these questions may help you mitigate the strong feelings of guilt your displaying.

    2. Whatever Just keep it up Accusing me for something your fleet did acidcouch and Butts Keep Laughing it up Butthead soon you'll wont be Laughing Anymore

    3. You shouldn't threaten people. It looks bad on you.

    4. Same with you Butts you Told My Friends to Kill Themselves Butts Because they dont agree with you your nothing but a Pure Evil Person Butts

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Aiko in responce to your request I have forwarded all the material and source documentation as well as a few other items to the email you provided. I also supplied a bullet point on items as a quick reference.

    1. you Cant Deny the Truth your fleet Shutup Wesley was Responsible its all in your Rp Denied Blog and Aiko Please Dont Give Up We Will Still Spread the Word

    2. Sure I can deny it. We didn't do it. Besides your beating a dead horse. Aiko and the proper authorities have been given all the information they need to proceed. Now we wait.

    3. Oh really for a Loser like you Ordering Goons from to troll and harassed ppl in STO im sure Ever it was who Hacked Aiko's Account is Ether a Shutup Wesley Member or an Affiliate and i saw your saying you guys took over the Blog but for now we'll see who's the Hacker

    4. You sure seem nervous and quick deny. Is something weighing on your mind?

    5. im not Nervous but i know you are plus do you even feel bad of the ppl you hurt ? of course you don't acidcouch like you their Emotions are a Toys to your sick group from and you enjoyed it . I Dont Feel Sorry for you i wish i do but i dont and However Acidcouch you may have People think its Funny But I know they're Others who dont so we'll see your group might not be part of the Hacking but I know someone could be an Affiliate to your Group so we'll see

  23. Replies
    1. Thanks for the interjection that so obviously adds much needed perspective in an already tenuous exchange.

    2. Its Ok Robas They Have Nothing to Proof im the Hacker but who ever is could be an Affiliate

  24. I proudly give you all an excerpt from another forum site:

    "(Name Edited) "(Name Edited)" is home schooled. It explains a lot really. Especially his inbred tendencies to ERP with his "in-game uncle" Robas."

    I want to stress here and now that I have never erped with said individual. It would seem that our goon friends have wild imaginations and are willing to spread their own slanderous ideas to belittle others for their own amusement.
    It was recently brought to my attention that representatives from Starfleet Dental met with a friend and told him that they are the "caretakers" of Drozana and expect respect to be given to them in order for them to treat others with respect and dignity. I want to point out that respect has to be earned. They can say all they want about how horrible my bands music is, slander me, whatever. It's fine. But remember one thing, if you expect to be treated with respect from those that have grievances with you *speaking to Goons* then trying tendering a show of good faith on your part and treat people as you want yourselves to be treated.

    We all need to remember that Star Trek Online is a mmorpg *Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game*. Key words to remember: *Role Playing GAME*. We truly don't know the people sitting behind their computer screens. So on my end *and I suspect this will lead to more griefing towards me* my apologies to the goons and individuals I have verbally attacked within the game and these blogs. No one is perfect.

    That is all and I will see you all in-game.

  25. Hahahaha...goons making up for how miserable their lives are in the real world by making other people unhappy in a virtual one, the only place they can achieve in others the same rage they experience every day.
    The easiest way to defeat starfleet dental is to ignore them. If they don't get the attention ingame that they are refused in RL it drives them up the wall.
    The only way to win the game is not to play at all, and the game for goons is attention and tears. Ignore them and watch them rage hard, trust me. I've seen it happen. If you don't pay them any attention, they get nastier and nastier and then just ragequit. Hilarious.
