Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Since Aiko's on the fence about leaving...

We've decided to help nudge her out the door. 

This blog has been found guilty of the following offenses:
+Disturbing the peace
+Willfully spreading misinformation
+Blasphemy against Butts and our Dear Leader
+Comic Sans

For these reasons, we have decided to remove it completely, but wait, that's not all!

We have taken the liberty of going a step further by deactivating Aiko's STO account as well. This blog will remain up for 48 hours before this google account, blog and e-mail included, will also be deactivated. 

It is unfortunate that Aiko, or should we say David (how is Nebraska, by the way?), has chosen to create a blog as a mouthpiece for Ivey's paranoid, nonsensical rants. Frivolous sensationalism solves nothing; we have, time and time again, offered to correct the glaring errors found on this blog (ex: Ipkris being banned, Dental allied with House of Cron, etc), only to have those corrections ignored.

Aiko's "sources" provide only wild speculation and rumor; several players falsely accused of being "Dental spies"have been harassed in-game. Naturally, however, if anyone questions the accuracy of the information found here, they are written off as "Dental allies". 

Thus, we feel that retiring Aiko's blog is in the best interest of Drozana and her citizens. 

Victory comes quick and easy to the followers of Butts. The Dear Leader favors us above all - we fear no darkness; we feel no pain. 

Here's some info on our friend Aiko:

STO Account: Aiko250
Password: tanaka***43

Gmail Account: aikookia152

Additional Shout outs to: Poison Ivey, Skycoolz,  Nicolas Skywalker, Robas, and the ONI crew for your participation in this incredibly godawful abomination of a blog. We enjoyed reading through your many e-mails. 

Brought to you by your friends:
We're still working on the logo. 
And Butts came and spake to them, saying, all power is given to the Dear Leader in Heaven and in Earth. 


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would like to thank our close friends and allies in Shutup Wesley for their tireless work in cleaning up not only Star Trek Online, but also the external resources polluted by the very worst players that game has to offer.

    I look forward to this blog becoming a source of useful and accurate information for the discerning STO player (id est, the kind that recognises that it's a game, and should be played for fun).

    I hope you all join me in making the new owners of this blog feel welcome, and helping them make it one of the best community resources out there.

    Praise be to Butts; he died for your sins, rose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of Dear Leader.

  3. IVEY why are you lying I never gave my information to Dental at all and I didnt ever give up but I am busy with school and I cant sign on and read your 50 e-mails but I GIVE UP NOW because this is the second time I HAVE BEEN HACKED AND MY PERSONAL STUFF IS ON THE PAGE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE and I WAS trying to help everyone on STO and against the Dentals but now I see that Ivey is lying behind me back saying I gave my password to Dental I am making another complaint to google about this and Ivey if you are lying about this what else are you lying about maybe Acidcouch is right and you are helping this I cant be sure and I cant believe you would go behind me back like this when all I did was try to help you and others you are a liar. Go to hell DENTAL HACKING ASSHOLES and BUTTS and now I can say go to HELL Ivey if you think I helped Dental.

    I am done with all of you and getting my life back deal with dental yourselves you are un greatful for all the time I put into this blog for you.

    1. Congratulations: you are now free to pursue interests in the real world that may, some day, lead to your becoming a productive member of society. Just think: You might even be able to attend your high school reunion without fear of being asked what you do (with the implicit subtext of "that isn't trivial, meaningless bullshit").

      You can thank us later.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I wonder how they got your real name?

    4. Treavor CalkumFebruary 13, 2013 at 10:56 PM
      Aiko I'm sorry I didint know I swear i didint know but I did I'm not part of this At all I swear I'm sorry they took my real life name and posted on the I swear I'm sorry for lashing out to you I didn't know your hacked again please Aiko im sorry but they're not lies I didint know

    5. That's the Email i sent to Aiko the Account YOU HACKED


  5. Sorry Ivey I thought you were blaming me and I got angry because it is a terrible day and I am really angry about everything and I cant delete my comment because I cant get into the account and I GUESS WE KNOW NOW THE HACKER IS GRIMRAK

    1. I assume you have proof of this allegation?

    2. I'm sorry too Aiko and this is not over you goons have your own blog why you keep hacking others I think you guys are scared

  6. Of course it isn't over. We've only just begun!

  7. You goons are all pathetic you ppl just give star trek a bad name And hacking someone's account 2 times is a felony God Butts is a lowlife freak and you guys fallow him he did not die for our sins all goons suck I hope you all rot in prison

  8. I think we need to take a moment and give credit where credit is due. Thank you Ivey. Without you none of this, and I cannot stress this point enough, NONE of this would be possible without you. From your friends at ShutupWesley and Starfleet Dental Thank You, and have a happy Valentine's day.

  9. Go To Hell Acidcoouch and go F@#K yourself I hope you NAZI LOVERS GO ENJOY PRISON YOU ALL EVIL PPL AND GOOD NEWS IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE NAZI LOVERs so i hope butts never return to sto

    1. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Now run along and go upstairs and wish your mom happy valentine's day. Maybe, just maybe walk outside. Now don't be afraid of that yellow thing up in the sky, its just like your desk lamp next to your computer, its called the sun. Take a few deep breaths and enjoy the real world. Perspective goes a long way.
      Now he is some info, Butts never left. You see him quite often and he is closer to you now than he ever was. Can you guess who he is now?

    2. You people are Making STO Worse and worse your nothing but a Group of Cyber Bullies

    3. Dear Leader is a myth and i Worship God

    4. Dear Leader is not a myth. He has given me a Bug ship before, has god ever given you a bug ship before?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You ppl Are the Worsed Goons i Ever Saw You Goons Hacked this Blog Several times but you'll Never bring Butts back to STO EVER

    1. I dont think I have ever been the worsed of anything before. I have been the worst at things before. So thats an improvement, right?

    2. no acidcouch and what you did your hacker friend did to Aiko is unforgiven exploiting someone Personal Life you and everyone who's with Butts are all the Same

  12. Well You Losers may got rid of the blog but they're many of us against this is my last Comment but i'll never let you goons you guys feed on Anger and sorrow you are all and you cant keep me from enjoying my 1st mmo game and i have all ought a friends and comrades and the word is spread and still out there in the minds of others and you all lost almost the STO community are Against you All will be banned soon so good luck with the FBI after you good bye and Go to hell Butts

  13. BTW Butts you look like a Gustopo Officer Wearing that Uniform

