Monday, January 14, 2013

Dental is the Mods' favorite fleet and they never get in trouble but if you speak out against Dental expect to have Mod problems.

IT'S no secret that the DEVs and MODS in STO and Cryptic dont care about Dental and Butts trolling people nonstop and making them not want to play STO anymore. This has been happening a long time and its getting old and many people have already left. I have proof from a Droz regular that Paul@askray, a mod and member of SSR, is a power hungry man who loves Dental and supports them and bans people who says bad things against Dental.


Askray, known as DJPaul@Askray now Paul@askray he says he helps new 
players, trekkies, and fleets grow, but its a lie he never help any player and he never care his friend
@claudette is a gossiper troll, and wiley@coyote505 a military wannabe troll that everyone hates and
Rraaktor@kalabak who just sits there like a drunk pretend bouncer while people getting trolled by Butts
and his Followes and However Askray became a moderater think he's some gof when he's a moderator he was and other reasons I don't like Subspace radio back in 2011. he got people inclueding me life banned from  the STO forums complaining about dental so he Askray, Bluegeek, and Branflakes cares no one but themselves. Paul@Askray infact thinks hes God and its ok to find something to hate players befre he meet'em he never cares no one if its against Dental trollings or any other trollings he hates player who want to have fun in STO and in Subspace Radio but he wants to be the boss he removes all proof against Dentaal and other trollings just because so please add Askray to the blog list so everyone would know he never cares about anyone but himself.


  1. Really? That is interesting. As I have seen it, Mr. Askray has helped many new players both in game and out. But lets put that aside for just a moment.
    There are a couple of points I would like to bring to your attention. First is your use of broken grammar and poorly formulated sentence structure. I will not go into the details for fear of actually educating you.
    Secondly; by posting a persons real life identity in conjunction with an in-game identity you, yourself, could be found by the legal system to be guilty of both harassment and Slander. I would personally advise you to reconsider your statements prior to pressing the "post" button.
    While the groups of people are a nuisance at the worst of times it is unto each individuals perception to deem it notable and worthy of complaint.
    Just as any stray animal will return to the scene that they are feed, so do internet trolls. Don't Feed the Trolls. It is entirely that simple, should you encounter one simply move along and all will be well.
    Words can be powerful but only in occasions that you allow them to retain such power. There is no single word that can kill or cause bodily malice with out outside assistance.
    Now that the details of your lack of proper grammatical abilities have been ignored; please read and learn from the things not said.
    That is all, thank you.

  2. Well lets look at the first point yes my spelling and grammar are not good but the red paragraph in that text is not me it was sent to me by another player in Drozana. 80 percent of information is sent to me by other people including this and I guess she thinks Askaray is a troll with Dental. I tell people with information about dental or trolling to send it to me and I post it. Your second point is true if Askaray's real name was not readily available to the public or people on the internet but it is on SSR and twitter and even the comment he left above so he is a public figure and can deal with it.

    I will edit the post to remove his name anyway.

  3. Well it's true about @Askray many complaints in the sto forums like mine was removed by Askray and also back in 2011 I just can't beleave the sto Devs hire Askray as a mod he's not even a nice person all he is as mod is some god so no I can't trust Askray after what happen in 2011. In SSR and if he's responsible for many fleet of sto destroyed by starfleet dental he can't be trusted so yea I think Askray is part of dental
