Thursday, January 31, 2013

UPDATE: Something POSITIVE for a change...

I got a WONDERFUL e-mail from player ROBAS who told me how Dentals like to waste everyones time and THAT is EXACTLY what they do! They always waste peoples time who want to have fun and WE are here to take our game back from those stupid Wesleys and Dentals. Robas shared with me a song from his BAND (he is the drummer) about people who waste others time and he wanted it to be like a big middle finger to ALL DENTALS AND WESLEYS everywhere who think its ok to waste peoples time when it ISN'T if your sound isnt on please turn it on and listen to this really good song that also relates to the STO situation. 

Something I have noticed that Starfleet Dental members do is sit around and insult people, telling them that they don't have lives and that they are all nerds with mental disorders.  A while back I had someone in Starfleet Dental find out I was a musician and told me that being a musician is a waste of time.  Come to find out, me and some of my bandmates have a CD that is about to be released and there is a song that is a big "F**k You" to people that waste other peoples times.  I took the liberty to send you the song and I have included the lyrics in this email.  

This is proof that Starfleet Dental doesn't have valid claims that anyone who apposes them are non-reformed "pubbies".  I offer this song from my band as a personal "get lost" message to Starfleet Dental.

Robas Zkali

SONG: Hittin It
Pre - Chorus:
Baby, you're just stone cold.... Waistin all my time and it's gettin old.

Verse 1
We're sittin around, wastin the day,
Why do we wait so long?
When all we wanna do is finish this song,
You just sit there and hit the bong.

Baby, you're just stone cold, wastin all my time and it's gettin old.

Verse 2
When we arrive, lord, we wait two hours.
We just sit there then stand between two towers.
Why you sit there in a corner and cower?
We're just out, smelling some flowers

Baby, you're just stone cold, waistin all my time and it's gettin old... I said

Verse 3
When we get there, lord, you don't even care.
You just sit there in a corner and stare.
All of a sudden you got something to say.
Anyway, we all think you;'re gay.

Baby, you're just stone cold, waistin all my time and it's getting old.... I said
(Repeat 2x)


  1. Calling people who don't agree with you gay. That's pretty homophobic.

  2. You certainly care enough to take the time to post a comment. Interesting.

  3. Hi Grimrak back from Breaking STO with those stupid Balloons you and you friends Kattiea and Sterie are Pathetic like always like someone said in Kattiea's Blog mess with the best die like the rest

  4. Hi My name is Treavor and i approve this post from Robas

  5. And btw - The friends at really need to step up there game. Think about it. This site features updates daily (1-3 on average) and the rpdenied blog features 1-2 updates per MONTH. So my congrats are in order for Aiko! Keep up the fantastic work!
