Saturday, January 12, 2013


A lot of people and trolls have been bothering me about my typos. I do know English obviously its my first language but I am not perfect and if I remember right no one is. I will no longer update this blog immediately after seeing DENTAL RUINING the game; I get too upset and make too many errors which trolls then pick apart. I will take some time to write these blog entries PROPERLY and not let me emotions take over which usually happens when I write about Starfleet Dental.


A source close to me has given me inside information on DENTAL member @devian666. He is a major troll in Starfleet Dental and he has been bothering people on Droz and Risa. 

Here is the information given to me about @devian666 UNEDITED so you can read the original words:

"@Devian666 I once feel sorry about him but when I saw he agees with Butts and
Starfleet Dentals cyber bullyings and he thinks all roleplayers are bad because
of one he was supporting Dentals Bullying saying all roleplayers he supports all and greefs parties
with them he allso brags his trolling with in their thread in thread so @devian666
a crybaby because on troll roleplayer now bullies players who did nothing to him"

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