Thursday, January 31, 2013


  SO I gave you before an account of a players problems with Dental and how she tried to enjoy a game she loved even though she got trolled all the time and the game was ruined for her and I want to tell her and everyone here who is a victim of trolling that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

    I know its hard to put up with the fire extinguishers and snowballs and the hacking that Dental and Shutup Wesley always does but we have to come together and work with each other to stop Dental because now its getting real bad because of all the channel hacking and website hacking and its too far and Cryptic and google wont save us we have to be the heros and beat Dental. 

  I edited out the name of this player but DENTAL drove him to the edge and hes back now and we hope he stays with us for a long time.

Hey Aiko,

You can edit this and post to your blog if you would like.  I just want to say that Dental/Wesley ALMOST won their fight against me.  I was considering leaving STO for a short while.  Fortunately, I have friends in the game that were able to convince me otherwise. 

Their have been security breaches and because of this I have been forced to do some hard things.  Today, I disbanded my personal Chat Channel.  The Channel "(NAME REDACTED)" was intended to be a place that the subscribers to the channel could come and just laugh at game stuff and enjoy good times.  It was intended to be a place that members could put aside their differences and hang out.  Due to attacks by Starfleet Dental and their affiliates, I removed that Channel from STO.

I was forced to pull my toons from their fleets as I don't know how secure my account is anymore.  The only exception is my toon (REDACTED).  I was rank 7 and 2nd in Command of my fleet but due to recent circumstances, I had the other senior officers demote me to low ranks to assure myself that the fleet would not be disbanded via my account.

I believe that all of this and whatever else is still in retaliation to Butt's ban.  They might have had a small victory over me today *don't know if that was for sure their intent* but the fight is deffinately not over.  

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