Wednesday, January 30, 2013

UPDATE: January 29, Night of the Trolls

WE were hoping that things would get back to normal after the troll leader Butts was banned from the game and things got quiet for awhile and everyone was happy and some people even started doing RP again at Droz but then Kattiea and Shutup Wesley took control of Dental and they are as bad as ever with trollings and hacking anything that says bad things about them like this blog. 

LAST night was DJ Grom's night and the trolls were out and it was a WHO'S WHO of trolls a lot of regular Droz trolls were there making problems except for Ipkris and Ernesto thank god but still it was annoying. People came on as Butts and there were maybe two or three different Butts there I am not sure all this information came from SUPPORTERS WHO SENT ME MORE THAN 40 EMAILS WITH INFORMATION AND PICTURES ABOUT THE DENTAL TROLLS INCLUDING ONE DENTAL HIMSELF. 

Yes this Dental (I dont know who) sent me this e-mail before the hacking:

       I was reading your site, and was struck by how many inaccurate statements you are posting about dental as a group. Whilst I disagree with your premise and goal, in the spirit of fairness, would like to give you the opportunity to have  20  and only 20 questions you have about dental answered truthfully, to the best of my ability. Why 20? its a nice easy number, and it will cause you to have to think of better questions. I am making this offer to counter the rather wild speculation I keep reading from "anonymous sources" in your posts, which I assure you are quite inaccurate.

 There are a few rules:
1. I will not reveal who I am, other than I am a long time Dental member.

2. I will not reveal any real life information I may or may not have on any dentists or dental associated members.

3.I reserve the right to decline any question on the grounds of operational security. I am quite loyal to dental and it's goals and am not willing to sell out other Dentist's plans.

4. I would like to preview your post about any questions I do answer before you post it to avoid any potential editing of my response.

Any other questions will be answered to the best of my ability.
While I expect you to ignore me, I'm quite sincere and would be thrilled to give you our perceptive on Dental.
Looking Forward to hearing back from you,
- Dentist

LMAO! The Dentals trolls people 24/7 and hack there websites (AND THIS BLOG) and hack the pvp system to help them win and now they want to sit down for an interview or something on my site. NO WAY. 


The Wesleys except one Sterie is Dental but close enough

BACK to yesterday: It started with Inaji and some Butts and then more trolls showed up but we know that Dentalsare just minions and puppets used to be from Butts but now all focus is on Shutup Wesley months ago we didnt care about them but now they are the troll leaders especially Kattiea, AcidCouch, Zoerp and Preechr though usually Zoerp just stands there or runs in circles but he trolls sometimes too be careful. 

Dental has become like the monster in Hercules if you kill one head three more heads grow back so now theres a bunch of heads on Dental and they are called SHUTUP WESLEY. 

TROLL Inaji rejected by Ivey, a sad ending to a friendship

Two stupid ugly Butts and Inaji trolling Grom 

Standard Dental tactics for trolling

Oh look its Sterie preparing to troll and ruin peoples days

Zoerp joins the party and helps the trolls

AcidCouch is a big time shutup Wesley troll and owns RPdenied with Kattiea

Cuervo Jones is a standard Dental troll and Butts puppet

Nbreeki came late to the party and is a common troll in Drozana


  1. What's with the shitty and low-resolution images? Someone using windows 95 or some shit?

    Also, you guys couldn't be more wrong with the information you provide. Judging by statements, I'm sure Ivey was behind this.

    Remember children, home-schooling means you are literally a retarded baby.

  2. Also,

    4. I would like to preview your post about any questions I do answer before you post it to avoid any potential editing of my response.

    Are you the retard that gave them your password to "preview" the post?

  3. I DONT FEED TROLLS LIKE YOU BUTTS BUT FOR EVERYONE TO KNOW I DID NOT GIVE ANYONE MY PASSWORD! I saw this e-mail unread in my inbox AFTER I got my password back from the hacking which YOUR FLEET was responsible for and I copied and pasted it here. I am not a retarded baby BUTTS i did not give my password to you stupid dentals what a joke rofl

    1. I thought Shutup Wesley was behind the hacking, not Starfleet Dental! You're slipping up Aiko. You should throw in the towel. With the $500/day I fund my trolls, you have no chance.

  4. Yea Butts and Get off Ppl's Back you Know many player had to use low Settings to play Sto smoothly as Specially ppl with Old Computers

    1. Let's see, if you are as retarded and Autistic as you say you are, your mother should be giving you allowances. With that said, I'm sure you can save your money and probably buy a better graphics card. Hell, I'd be surprised if your rig even HAS a graphics card!

  5. Blah blah oh Butts do you think of doing to role players ,Trekkies ,and autism the same way adolf did to gypsys ,Jews ,poles,homo sexuals .and Russian solders ? Ofcourse you do I hope you and you girlfriend Kattiea have fun in prison . You can be hitler there loser

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