Tuesday, January 22, 2013

UPDATE: Dentals Next Move

 BUTTS is gone and you can read his comments here and he said that he WANTED to get banned for 6 months or something if you want to believe that fine. I guess if he wanted to be banned he did a good job but his story falls through the cracks because if Dentals wanted him banned they wouldnt have made a revenge troll of Drozana with all the different Butts running everywhere with fire extinguishers. 

Butts is gone, but Dental is still around and still trolling but things are getting more quiet at Drozana as Dental tries to move on without their Troll king to give them directions every single minute. Trolls to watch:  Ipkris, Kyrandman, Sterie, Gergor Mendel, Nbreeki, Su'chak, Zoerp, Preechr, Biggsmclargehuge or w/e his name is I can't remember but he's a big time troll. 

Keep watching out for Inaji too she is trolling and then sometimes being nice but I am not sure if she is trustable or if she has secret plans behind our backs beware of her. 

Beware of Dental ally fleets who also might be working with Dental to create more revenge trolling they are Nerds of Prey, Shutup Wesley, House of Snoo, and if you dont know REDDIT ALERT is also trolls who I guess work with Dental sometimes but I cant be sure there reddit is on private. PLEASE SEND any evidence of REDDIT/DENTAL partnership to me Aiko so we can confirm rumors and officially label REDDIT ALERT a TROLL/CYBER BULLY fleet and take right actions against them. 



Also in Drozana there are other trolls like Ernesto and some new people or alts I dont know but they are low level members and will just do normal spray and dance tactics against RPERs. 

If you are KDF:


Of Kyrandman because he is a high level DENTAL troll who especially hates all KDF players and RPers he plans lots of Dental trolls and planned the Dental invasion of QoNos where they killed Klingon NPCs and players and made a huge mess and people got really angry about it but they bragged anyway and hmm interesting no one was banned at all. It's like a mirical or something.  

Source says this on Kyrandman


Like Ipkris and Butts he was far the worse and Starfleet Dental too also plans to get rid of Klingon Fans hey Lead  Dentals To Greaf Qonus killing the important npcs and Brag and Yelled Jmpock is dead long live Emperor Butts they Jacked up Qonus and trying to stop playing as Klingon Gorn Orion  Ferason you Name it so please ad this to the Blog about @Kyrundman and his Plot to get rid of Klingon Players 

Also Mentioning:

SSR PLOT to hide bad information about Dental. I spoke with SSR DJ who sometimes gets trolled about the blog and asked if he could help spread information about the blog to people who are sick of trolls and Dental and he said he would love to but @ASKARAY WAS a manager and said no. Askaray was discussed here before but he is indirectly supporting Starfleet dental and helping TROLLS in STO not get in trouble. Any bad information about dental on the forums is deleted thanks to him and now he is hiding information about dental and making SSR complicit in Dental's trolling.

Beware of this and with all Dental supporters/friends/allies even if they are not dental they ARE TROLLS IF THEY SUPPORT TROLLS. Dont support trolls and Dentals and people who read this blog dont support supporters of Dental.   


  1. TL;DR.

    Also, Exterminiation of KDF players is an extreme over exaggeration. I prefer re-eductaion and redecoration of First City! Gone will be all the Red and Klingon statues and in the place will be Dental Blue and statues of Butts and Dear Leader!

    Also, I'm dedicated to the cause that I haven't LEFT Qo'Nos in almost 4 months! Praise Dear Leader!

  2. Here we go with the dear leader thing again blah blah . The Klingons have their own messiah and his name is kalhass and also the true messiah of the humans is the son of God and furthermore kringons are honorable warriors they don't need to be re educated

    1. We respectfully disagree. Starfleet presented us a mission to invade the Klingon homeworld and we accepted the said task, and executed the mission quite successfully with no losses to Starfleet Dental. The Federation has also tasked Starfleet Dental with re-education of the Klingon Empire due to the wars over the past century to bring them up to speed socially with the rest of the Federation in order to promote the unity that is Galactic Peace!

  3. You dentals need to stop being a cult and get a life

    1. Treavor Calkum, you need to stop instigating and find a new hobby. Preferably one that involves GETTING A JOB and MEETING PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE.

  4. Really? i would say the same thing to you Butts do you even Admire Gene Rodenberry and his Work Hell NO instead you despise it and you despise The Trekkies, the Trekkers, and Star Trek Role Players . and dont tell me its because ERP Because your Trolls and Goons aren't Keeping Rodenberry's Dream Alive your Just Killing it and thats your Agenda Butts your anti Trekkie and Roleplayer and so is your Followers who admire Adolf Hitler then any other Hero you admire a Person Who Killed more then 6 Million People but yea ill Be Having a New Hobby but it wont stop me from being a Trekkie
