Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jess: RPer turned Dental spy

Jess used to RP and be cool but now she is a spy of STARFLEET DENTAL and tells them everything about RPers. She is a trator and dont trust anything she says because she WILL turn you in to Dental and Butts first chance she gets. 


Local] Jess@mangas67: Dental wanna be?
[Local] Jess@mangas67: I love Dental
[Local] Jess@mangas67: they are so cool
[Local] Jess@mangas67: but i dont want to be a dental
[Local] Jess@mangas67: i have friends in dental

Oh really, just "friends in dental." She also trolls Rpers and orion on Droz just like dentals and when she is being trolled MAGICALY dentals show up to protect her HMMMM interesting lol. 

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