Saturday, January 19, 2013

V-DAY HAS ARRIVED! Dental in chaos, light at the end of the tunnel.

IF you havent heard BUTTS the biggest troll and Dental leader is banned from STO and he is not coming back.

There is a saying when you cut off the head of a snake (it might not be a snake I forget the animal but I think it works with most animals lol) the body will follow. Butts was the head of Dental, the face of the biggest troll organization in STO and he has been banned for reasons unknown but probably trolling. Dental is probably going crazy right now wondering what to do next and who will be the next Butts and who can replace him because they are all trolls but he was the biggest and none of the others are big enough trolls to even replace his shoe (maybe Ipkris). 



NOW that Buts is gone EXPECT A LOT MORE TROLLING. Dental will probably want revenge for Butts and will troll everyone and anyone with out mercy so if you are a female character or RPing or Orion WATCH OUT STAY AWAY FROM RISA DROZANA AND SSR PARTIES BECAUSE YOU WILL BE TROLLED!!!!

ALSO: I heard reports that all Dentals made characters like BUTTS and trolled an SSR party on DS9. I was not there my computer was making some problems and I couldnt play STO but its fine now but if ANYONE HAS ANY SCREEN SHOTS, CHAT LOGS, OR DESCRIPTIONS OF LAST NIGHTS TROLLING PLEASE SEND TO ME: 


  1. I Would Say Good Riddence after all the Bullcrap he Started

  2. It has been fun. The whole thing about me being banned is an event that was long overdue. I was hoping to be banned on the last week of July. Shame that it lasted this long. I have done the will of Dear Leader and followed in the footsteps of the Great Successor.

    I, Wise General, shall live on in the history books as the one who brought Starfleet Dental back from imminent doom.

    To all my fans (yes, I have fans), being banned is the endgame of Star Trek Online. Also, reading all of the Datachips does not give you a title. It isn't worth it, I'm afraid.

  3. If anyone reading this truly wants a documented history of myself in this game, check out my pastebin account and you will not be disappointed.

    1. One more thing, there will be lots of martyrs rising up once they see these comments. To all of my fans, do what you believe is right: destroying the Erotic Role Playing scum! I was banned for establishing the homophobia, hate crimes and internal corruption of Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment. I have destroyed most ERP within Drozana and other common hang-out spots. Keep your eyes peeled for Erotic Role Play in Risa, Earth Space Dock, Drozana and Bajor. These are common spots for role players, but also a safe-haven for the ERP scum.

      I have unveiled the Jewish Conspiracy within Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment. I have also unveiled favoritism within Subspace Radio and a desire to allow them to continue breaking the rules and hacking the game. Most of their staff at SSR are moderators for Cryptic Studios. Safeguard your bank slots from Subspace Radio members, for they have hired me numerous times for hits on fleets. I never worked alone, I was always paid for my work. I was always paid by SSR.

  4. No Butts some sir members like @Askray Bluegeek Branflakes might support but not everyone in SSR do some are close friends and you deserve to get banned Butts most of the sto community don't like you and I know public erp is bad but not rp and ppl play female characters and like you said thank god I'm not a trekkie you don't like caition or orions you don't like star trek so thanks for killing star trek for ppl

  5. Well anyone who agree that starfleet dental should Go hear this . Starfleet dental members butts devian666 heartburzum and johntherussian are abusers and cyber bullies and all these charges against butts is true he's killing the sto community and the star trek community so if you hate star trek then go to with those lowlife trolls and destroy it with butts or you can join and save star trek from starfleet dental and their lowlife goons or else sto will be shut down and you can blame Askray bluegeek and branflakes for it

    1. Ya know i'd love for you to explain how it's my fault lol.


