Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Many people in the STO community know SSR (subspace radio) and especially DJ Grom who is the host of the Neutral Zone. He has STO parties during his show and many players meet in Drozana to get together and listen to SSR and have a good time with other players. Many people also know that Starfleet Dental likes to troll Grom and ruin the SSR parties on Drozana whenever they can and sometimes they are moved to DS9 and guess what? Dental still shows up to ruin them .

Even worse than that, members of Dental made a FAKE Dj Grom toon in STO an use it to troll other players. The toon looks a little similar but he is fatter and he is using bad language and it harrassing other players using typical Dental troll techniques so please everyone make sure that you are speaking to the REAL DJ Grom and they also use fake SSR names to rob from other fleet banks and blame it on them I heard this from my sources:

"Remember  This Info So People Know Who's the Real Dj Grom and Who's the Fake . When Starfleet Dental Made a Poser Fleet On Subspace radio and the s in it on the title When Starfleet dental Robbed Banks and Blame SSR for it like Butts Says [Tell]Cowboy@wat : SSR Forgives Know One ..../// I know My Opinions about SSR But i Like the Real Dj Grom@(name private) Well Mannered but then theres the Fake DJ Grom@subspaceradio and this Fake Dj Grom@subspaceradio is harassing and trolling People and Goes Troll the Real Dj Grom During His Show of coures  Heres that Chat logs of the Fake Dj Grom . [Tell]Dj Grom@subspaceradio: So you like me ? .... [Local} Dj Grom:subspaceradio: Hey [name private] there are no underage girls in this show so get lost ..../// This is the Info About the Fake Dj Grom@subspaceradio i private the Real One's Account Becuase im Good Friend to Him and Unlike the Fake Dj Grom@subspaceradio the Real DJ Grom is Well Behaved to an Orion i know he cant sniff her lol . So Please Send this on your Blog"

Beware Dj Grom@subspaceradio - it is not the real Grom it is just Butts and his puppet trolls trying to make Grom look bad but the real Grom is not like that at all!

1 comment:

  1. When will you stupid pubbies learn: The real DJ Grom is this guy: www.djgrom.info

    Enjoy your copyright infringement, jerks.
    His Music is better, his voice is better, he's been around since 1998 and has credentials.

    DJ Grom should quit trying to steal other people's names.
