Tuesday, January 15, 2013

SPOTLIGHT: One Rper's tale 

Drozana regular Poison Ivey has sent me her backstory, her life before Butts and Dental came and tried to ruin the game she loved (and wants to love still). SHE has shown a lot of bravery to come here and tell us her personal story about how Starfleet Dental took her to the edge and tried to push her off but she didnt fall off at all she stood her ground and now she spends her time working against Dental and all people who support dental like the spies and puppets that are everywhere. 

Here is her sad story and I believe many of you share a story like this maybe you can relate to it.


When My Friend Was making  just a Famley  Roleplay for STO He Ask if My Character Poison Ivey Will Be their Daughter and i of course was board i finish All the STO Missions i Decide to do some Roleplay (Not Erotic Related Roleplay ) Beside that Bio i Made of my  Toon using nerve tonics and dancing seductive i decide to Make a Great Reputation of after what happen  Back in 2011 I wanted to Make Ivey Something more then some Dancer . When I Made Poison Ivey She Was a Mixed Orion/Human (that's why She's white)  Breed Her Dad Was Starfleet Captain {Name is Private] and a Orion Queen [Name is Private]  and She Lead the Rp Fleet from Orion Empire . But when the Days and Joys came when we hangout in Drozana it all Ended when Butts@wat and Kattiea@Heartburzum and their Dental Minions came along they Even Beat us in Space PvP and Laugh  and Brag About and Posted of the chat logs of How Enrage i was in Poison Ivey they Even Made Poison Ivey Clones some are really Ugly  and keep saying they're the real Ivey and said they ERP with Miners and Plus they took photos of Ivey's Mom and said She's a Guy and Butts@wat and Kattiea@Heartburzum is the Worse as well and they'll said im a Sexual Predator becuase i RP as a Woman but so do Most People in all MMO even Girls who RP as Man its all Make Be leave and so they Robbed (Thanks to Oin) the Rp Fleet Orion Empire RP Ivey use to lead (At-least it Survive) and Also Posted about their Book of Butts of How Immoral Poison Ivey was . So That's Why i Hate Starfleet Dental they Ruin My Joy and Reputation To a Character I Work Hard on including my RP Friends and im sick of their Lies in there so Called roleplayingdenied.blogspot.com the Dentals and Every goon who Fallow them They Destroyed the STO Community and my Reputation and my Friends left and wont Comeback thanks them so please and this your Blog So not just Star Trek but other Roleplayers will see


  1. How about I tell you how this really happened? Poison Ivey was sulking at the table to the left of the Northern bar and I decided to poke fun of him. He was sulking about some pubbie getting rid of his friends.

    I used my extinguisher to bug him for about 2 weeks straight. Two. Weeks. STRAIGHT.

    I am a persistent little shit, so if you really get on my nerves, I'll find a way to piss you off.

    Also something about DJ Grom: http://badoo.com/en-ca/hindgrinder/

  2. No Butts there is something Wrong with you and its a fact hell i saw what person you admire and killed like more then 6 million during WW2 your a sick man Butts Truly Sick
