Wednesday, January 16, 2013


IT has come to my attention from several attentive Drozana regulars that the fleet House of Cron, led by Briggs@spacedominate is in fact a dental ally. They have a good relationship with each other and they even sometimes run STFs together. 

This information was brought to light when I heard Dentals and Briggs talking over zone chat about how Nbreek is helping Briggs recruit for House of Cron and Briggs said "yeah we are a good fleet" and then some other Dentals were talking about Cron on zone chat so you know what to do when you see someone from House of Cron or Briggs@spacedominate, you ignore them or get away from them because probably they have connections to trolls.

Also Briggs is sometimes rude to people in Drozana not me but Ive seen it sometimes. 


  1. @spacedominate is not with us. He is homophobic and racist.

    [11/20 3:17] Korg@spacedominate: BUTTS LIKE MEN
    [11/20 3:17] Korg@spacedominate: LMFAO
    [11/20 3:17] Butts@wat: you got a problem with it?
    [11/20 3:17] Vekma@androsabcd: BUTTS LIKE DICK
    [11/20 3:17] Butts@wat: got a problem with that mang?
    [11/20 3:17] Tufty Whybrow@ludikro: aint nothing wrong with that
    [11/20 3:17] Butts@wat: you homophobic or something?
    [11/20 3:17] Korg@spacedominate: this aint a gay bar buddy the gay bar is in the airlock
    [11/20 3:17] Tufty Whybrow@ludikro: come korg, stroke my moustache
    [11/20 3:17] Korg@spacedominate: hey tufty
    [11/20 3:17] Butts@wat: reported for homophobia and hate crimes
    [11/20 3:17] Vekma@androsabcd: oh great korg you called over him
    [11/20 3:17] Korg@spacedominate: reported for being gay
    [11/20 3:18] Korg@spacedominate: LMFAO
    [11/20 3:18] Vekma@androsabcd: AHHHH HE GOT A HITLER MUSTACHE
    [11/20 3:18] Korg@spacedominate: lmfao

    Tell me about your ability to believe everything people tell you about us.

  2. Well Butts dont Claimed that your So Innocent Too after all you do Admire Adolf Hitler a Guy who Purged and Wipe out the Gypsy s there aren't any of em left plus He Killed Jews , Gays and Also Russian P.O.W.s and also Does Black Magic so look up History More often Butts Jesse

  3. Well, actually there are tons of gypsies left. I lived in a large Roma (gypsy) community in Turkey for several years. Hitler was bad and wrong though and I cant believe someone like butts would support him after so many people died especially since a lot of people died.

  4. Butts's just mentally ill and also the people who follow him and don't forget he's not a Trekkie. In real life just some guy filled with hate
