Sunday, January 13, 2013


An alert Drozana player and the same one who sent me the last list of TOS violation has made some corrections/updates to the list of Dental violations of TOS. If you read through this list pay attention because Dental does all these things all the time and it is RUINING THE GAME FOR EVERYONE AND IT MAKES ME FURIOUS. 

LOOK BELOW AT THIS: "Troll Tactic: Make claims that they were given ownership of Drozana Station by the GM's or Dev's.  This is a violation of the ToS section 5."



I made a couple ToS errors on the email which I will send you the correct ToS stuff tomorrow, but I wanted to give you 3 more critical items/violations I forgot to put in the original mail that needs to be noted.

Troll Tactic: Will block people from using in-game items *Example* The transporters on New Romulus can only be activated by 1 person at a time.  Griefers used to/still do set their toons up to be using the transporter system WITHOUT transporting.  When someone says something, they tell that player to walk.  Violation - STO Specific Violation - While playing Star Trek Online it is against the game policy to intentionally disrupt the game play of other players. Disrupting actions would include:
Preventing content access to other players by Blocking Mobs, Doors, Nodes, Etc
Troll Tactic: Griefers will utilize game bugs or exploits to get their toons into specific areas they are not saposed to be in OR will kill/block access to key NPC characters people need to talk to in public zones.  Most notibly, their recent take over of Qo'nos and their assasination of the Chancelor.  ToS Violation section 10k , 10i 
  • (k) Cheat or utilize unauthorized exploits in connection with the Games or the Service;
  • (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players,
Troll Tactic: Make claims that they were given ownership of Drozana Station by the GM's or Dev's.  This is a violation of the ToS section 5.

5. Proprietary Rights

PWE is the owner of the Website, the Games, the Software and the Service, which are protected by US and international law including copyright laws. All rights and title in and to the Website, the Game, the Software and the Service, all features and content thereof (including without limitation any user accounts, titles, computer code, files, game software, client and server software, tools, patches, updates, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, storylines, objects, content, text, dialogue, catch phrases, themes, locations, concepts, artwork, designs, graphics, pictures, video, animation, sounds, music, musical, compositions, sound recordings, audio-visual effects, information, data, documentation, , "applets", chat transcripts, character profile information, game play, and recordings ) and the selection and arrangement thereof (collectively the "Proprietary Materials") are the proprietary property of PWE or its licensors and are protected by U.S. and international copyright and other proprietary rights laws. In the event that you make any modifications, adaptations or derivative works of any kind to the Proprietary Materials (the "Modifications"), whether authorized or unauthorized, you understand and agree that you shall retain no rights of any kind in and to such Modifications and that all rights therein shall belong solely to PWE. You hereby assign and transfer to PWE, without any compensation, any and all rights you may have in and to such Modifications.

That is it for now, I think.  I will email you more stuff as I see it and can link a violation to the action(s).

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